Nelson deMatos
Nelson deMatos
Professor of Marketing, University of Algarve
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Digital marketing actions that achieve a better attraction and loyalty of users: An analytical study
JJ López García, D Lizcano, CMQ Ramos, N Matos
Future Internet 11 (6), 130, 2019
Revisiting the destination image construct through a conceptual model
N Matos, J Mendes, P Valle
Dos Algarves: Tourism, Hospitality & Management Journal, 101-117, 2017
Consumer behavior in the digital age
JR Saura, A Reyes-Menendez, N Matos, MB Correia, P Palos-Sanchez
Journal of spatial and organizational dynamics 8 (3), 190-196, 2020
Public sector organizations and cocreation with citizens: A literature review on benefits, drivers, and barriers
N Baptista, H Alves, N Matos
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 32 (3), 217-241, 2020
A review and extension of the flow experience concept. Insights and directions for Tourism research
NM da Silva deMatos, ES de Sa, PA de Oliveira Duarte
Tourism Management Perspectives 38, 100802, 2021
Understanding online consumer behavior and eWOM strategies for sustainable business management in the tourism industry
A Reyes-Menendez, MB Correia, N Matos, C Adap
Sustainability 12 (21), 8972, 2020
The role of imagery and experiences in the construction of a tourism destination image
N Matos, J Mendes, P Pinto
Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being 3 (2), 135-154, 2015
Exploring the meaning of social innovation: A categorisation scheme based on the level of policy intervention, profit orientation and geographical scale
N Baptista, J Pereira, AC Moreira, ND Matos
Innovation 21 (3), 379-397, 2019
Exploring the impact of digital knowledge management on technostress and sustainability
JG Martínez-Navalón, V Gelashvili, N DeMatos, G Herrera-Enríquez
Journal of Knowledge Management 27 (8), 2194-2216, 2023
Identifying startups business opportunities from ugc on twitter chatting: An exploratory analysis
JR Saura, A Reyes-Menéndez, N deMatos, MB Correia
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (6), 1929 …, 2021
Marketing in the public sector—benefits and barriers: a bibliometric study from 1931 to 2020
N Matos, MB Correia, JR Saura, A Reyes-Menendez, N Baptista
Social Sciences 9 (10), 168, 2020
Analysis of social networks as an instrument of communication in the tourist destinations of Algarve
MA Sanchez Jimenez, MB Correia, N Matos
Revista Geintec-Gestao Inovacao e Tecnologias 8 (3), 4476-4494, 2018
Monitoring the quality of tourism experience
J Mendes, M Guerreiro
Asia Tourism Forum 2016-the 12th Biennial Conference of Hospitality and …, 2016
Non-life insurance cancellation: a systematic quantitative literature review
M Leiria, N Matos, E Rebelo
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 46 (4), 593-613, 2021
Manual De Gestão De Marketing
P Ferreira, D Agapito, A Renda, C Viegas, J Gama, J da Costa Mendes, ...
Faro, Sílabas & Desafios, 2017
Measuring the effectiveness of intermediary loyalty programmes in the motor insurance industry: loyal versus non-loyal customers
M Leiria, E Rebelo, N deMatos
European Journal of Management and Business Economics 31 (3), 305-324, 2022
Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): The role of Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories
NMS deMatos, PAO Duarte, ES Sá
Journal of Vacation Marketing 30 (3), 615-632, 2024
Portuguese and Spanish DMOs’ accessibility apps and websites
E Fernández-Díaz, MB Correia, N Matos
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (4), 874-899, 2021
The interplay of marketing and design
J Henseler, M Guerreiro, N deMatos
Review of Managerial Science 15 (5), 1129-1137, 2021
Marketing intelligence and automation–An approach associated with tourism in order to obtain economic benefits for a region
CMQ Ramos, N Matos, CMR Sousa, MB Correia, P Cascada
Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development …, 2017
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