Tomas Vyhlidal
Tomas Vyhlidal
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe fs.cvut.cz
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Mapping based algorithm for large-scale computation of quasi-polynomial zeros
T Vyhlidal, P Zítek
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (1), 171-177, 2009
An eigenvalue based approach for the stabilization of linear time-delay systems of neutral type
W Michiels, T Vyhlídal
Automatica 41 (6), 991-998, 2005
Climate for Culture: Assessing the impact of climate change on the future indoor climate in historic buildings using simulations
J Leissner, R Kilian, L Kotova, D Jacob, U Mikolajewicz, T Broström, ...
Heritage Science 3, 1-15, 2015
QPmR-Quasi-polynomial root-finder: Algorithm update and examples
T Vyhlídal, P Zítek
Delay Systems: From Theory to Numerics and Applications, 299-312, 2014
Dimensional analysis approach to dominant three-pole placement in delayed PID control loops
P Zítek, J Fišer, T Vyhlídal
Journal of Process Control 23 (8), 1063-1074, 2013
Control design for time-delay systems based on quasi-direct pole placement
W Michiels, T Vyhlídal, P Zítek
Journal of Process Control 20 (3), 337-343, 2010
Delayed resonator with acceleration feedback–Complete stability analysis by spectral methods and vibration absorber design
T Vyhlídal, N Olgac, V Kučera
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (25), 6781-6795, 2014
Quasipolynomial mapping based rootfinder for analysis of time delay systems
T Vyhlídal, P Zítek
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (19), 227-232, 2003
Novel personalized and humidified air supply for airliner passengers
P Zítek, T Vyhlídal, G Simeunović, L Nováková, J Čížek
Building and Environment 45 (11), 2345-2353, 2010
Further remarks on the effect of multiple spectral values on the dynamics of time-delay systems. Application to the control of a mechanical system
I Boussaada, S Tliba, SI Niculescu, HU Ünal, T Vyhlídal
Linear Algebra and its Applications 542, 589-604, 2018
Time delay systems: Methods, applications and new trends
R Sipahi, T Vyhlídal, SI Niculescu, P Pepe
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012
Signal shaper with a distributed delay: Spectral analysis and design
T Vyhlídal, V Kučera, M Hromčík
Automatica 49 (11), 3484-3489, 2013
Delayed resonator with distributed delay in acceleration feedback—design and experimental verification
D Pilbauer, T Vyhlídal, N Olgac
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 21 (4), 2120-2131, 2016
Parameterization of input shapers with delays of various distribution
T Vyhlídal, M Hromčík
Automatica 59, 256-263, 2015
Strong stability of neutral equations with an arbitrary delay dependency structure
W Michiels, T Vyhlídal, P Zitek, H Nijmeijer, D Henrion
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (2), 763-786, 2009
Analysis and synthesis of time delay system spectrum
T Vyhlídal
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2003
Analysis and design aspects of delayed resonator absorber with position, velocity or acceleration feedback
T Vyhlídal, D Pilbauer, B Alikoc, W Michiels
Journal of Sound and Vibration 459, 114831, 2019
Time-delay algorithms for damping oscillations of suspended payload by adjusting the cable length
T Vyhlídal, M Anderle, J Bušek, SI Niculescu
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (5), 2319-2329, 2017
A new perspective in the stability assessment of neutral systems with multiple and cross-talking delays
N Olgac, T Vyhlídal, R Sipahi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 47 (1), 327-344, 2008
Control system design based on a universal first order model with time delays
T Vyhlídal, P Zítek
Acta Polytechnica 41 (4-5), 2001
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