antonietta specchiulli
antonietta specchiulli
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Marine litter in stomach content of small pelagic fishes from the Adriatic Sea: sardines (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus)
M Renzi, A Specchiulli, A Blašković, C Manzo, G Mancinelli, L Cilenti
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 2771-2781, 2019
Environmental heterogeneity patterns and assessment of trophic levels in two Mediterranean lagoons: Orbetello and Varano, Italy
A Specchiulli, S Focardi, M Renzi, T Scirocco, L Cilenti, P Breber, ...
Science of the Total Environment 402 (2-3), 285-298, 2008
Exotic species in Lesina and Varano lakes new guest in Lesina and Varano lakes: Gargano National Park (Italy)
M Florio, P Breber, T Scirocco, A Specchiulli, L Cilenti, L Lumare
Transitional Waters Bulletin 2 (2), 69-79, 2008
Comparative study based on sediment characteristics and macrobenthic communities in two Italian lagoons
A Specchiulli, M Renzi, T Scirocco, L Cilenti, M Florio, P Breber, S Focardi, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 160, 237-256, 2010
The Lago di Varano: Hydrologic characteristics and sediment composition
F Spagnoli, A Specchiulli, T Scirocco, G Carapella, P Villani, G Casolino, ...
Marine Ecology 23, 384-394, 2002
Mussel watch program for microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea: Identification of biomarkers of exposure using Mytilus galloprovincialis
F Provenza, D Rampih, S Pignattelli, P Pastorino, D Barceló, M Prearo, ...
Ecological Indicators 142, 109212, 2022
The RITMARE Italian Fixed-Point Observatory Network (IFON) for marine environmental monitoring: a case study
M Ravaioli, C Bergami, F Riminucci, L Langone, V Cardin, A Di Sarra, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 9 (sup1), s202-s214, 2016
Fluctuations of physicochemical characteristics in sediments and overlying water during an anoxic event: a case study from Lesina lagoon (SE Italy)
A Specchiulli, R D’Adamo, M Renzi, F Vignes, A Fabbrocini, T Scirocco, ...
Transitional Waters Bulletin 3 (2), 15-32, 2009
Litter in alien species of possible commercial interest: The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) as case study
M Renzi, L Cilenti, T Scirocco, E Grazioli, S Anselmi, A Broccoli, V Pauna, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 157, 111300, 2020
Resistance and resilience of ecosystem descriptors and properties to dystrophic events: a study case in a Mediterranean lagoon
A Basset, E Barbone, I Rosati, F Vignes, P Breber, A Specchiulli, ...
Transitional Waters Bulletin 7 (1), 1-22, 2013
Distribution and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of some Italian lagoons exploited for aquaculture and fishing activities
A Specchiulli, M Renzi, G Perra, L Cilenti, T Scirocco, M Florio, S Focardi, ...
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 91 (4), 367-386, 2011
Assessment of environmental pollutants in ten southern Italy harbor sediments
M Renzi, G Perra, C Guerranti, M Mariottini, D Baroni, M Volterrani, ...
Toxicology and Industrial Health 25 (4-5), 351-363, 2009
Trace elements in sediments and bioaccumulation in European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) from a Mediterranean lagoon (SE Italy)
M Renzi, A Specchiulli, D Baroni, T Scirocco, L Cilenti, S Focardi, ...
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 92 (6), 676-697, 2012
A combinated approach to investigate the biochemistry and hydrography of a shallow bay in the South Adriatic Sea: the Gulf of Manfredonia (Italy)
S Focardi, A Specchiulli, F Spagnoli, F Fiesoletti, C Rossi
Environmental monitoring and assessment 153, 209-220, 2009
Oceanographic characteristics of the Adriatic Sea–Support to secondary HAOP spread through natural dispersal
R Kraus, F Grilli, N Supić, I Janeković, M Brailo, M Cara, AB Cetinić, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 147, 59-85, 2019
The role of forcing agents on biogeochemical variability along the southwestern Adriatic coast: The Gulf of Manfredonia case study
A Specchiulli, F Bignami, M Marini, A Fabbrocini, T Scirocco, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 183, 136-149, 2016
Dissolved organic matter dynamics in Mediterranean lagoons: the relationship between DOC and CDOM
A Specchiulli, L Cilenti, R D'Adamo, A Fabbrocini, W Guo, L Huang, ...
Marine Chemistry 202, 37-48, 2018
The effect of floods on sediment contamination in a microtidal coastal lagoon: the Lagoon of Lesina, Italy
R D’Adamo, A Specchiulli, D Cassin, M Botter, R Zonta, A Fabbrocini
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 67, 297-309, 2014
Sediment grain size and hydrodynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Integrated classification of abiotic parameters
E Molinaroli, A Sarretta, C Ferrarin, E Masiero, A Specchiulli, S Guerzoni
Journal of Earth System Science 123, 1097-1114, 2014
Sparkling plastic: Effects of exposure to glitter on the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
F Provenza, S Anselmi, A Specchiulli, M Piccardo, D Barceló, M Prearo, ...
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 96, 103994, 2022
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