Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Peeyush soniAflați mai multe
Nu este disponibil nicăieri: 1
Identification of Green Gram (Vigna radiata) Grains Infested by Callosobruchus maculatus Through X-ray Imaging and GAN-Based Image Augmentation
LG Divyanth, V Chelladurai, M Loganathan, DS Jayas, P Soni
Journal of Biosystems Engineering 47 (3), 302-317, 2022
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Disponibile undeva: 5
Image-to-image translation-based data augmentation for improving crop/weed classification models for precision agriculture applications
LG Divyanth, DS Guru, P Soni, R Machavaram, M Nadimi, J Paliwal
Algorithms 15 (11), 401, 2022
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Evaluating farmers’ access to agricultural information: Evidence from Semi-arid region of Rajasthan State, India
IS Parmar, P Soni, JKM Kuwornu, KR Salin
Agriculture 9 (3), 60, 2019
Mandate: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Detection of coconut clusters based on occlusion condition using attention-guided faster R-CNN for robotic harvesting
LG Divyanth, P Soni, CM Pareek, R Machavaram, M Nadimi, J Paliwal
Foods 11 (23), 3903, 2022
Mandate: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Energy balance and environmental impacts of rice and wheat production: A case study in Nepal
A Pokhrel, P Soni
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 12 (1), 201-207, 2019
Mandate: US Agency for International Development
Sustainability assessment of crop production in accord with energy, environment and economic performances in Nepal
A Pokhrel, P Soni
Environmental Sustainability 2 (4), 343-353, 2019
Mandate: US Agency for International Development
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