Jessica Stephenson
Jessica Stephenson
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe pitt.edu - Pagina de pornire
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A Magnetic Map Leads Juvenile European Eels to the Gulf Stream
LC Naisbett-Jones, NF Putman, JF Stephenson, S Ladak, KA Young
Current Biology 27 (8), 1236-1240, 2017
A trial of two trouts: comparing the impacts of rainbow and brown trout on a native galaxiid
KA Young, JB Dunham, JF Stephenson, A Terreau, AF Thailly, G Gajardo, ...
Animal Conservation 13 (4), 399-410, 2010
Emerging infectious disease and the challenges of social distancing in human and non-human animals
AK Townsend, DM Hawley, JF Stephenson, KEG Williams
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1932), 20201039, 2020
Transmission risk predicts avoidance of infected conspecifics in Trinidadian guppies
JF Stephenson, SE Perkins, J Cable
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (6), 1525-1533, 2018
Parasites of Trinidadian guppies: evidence for sex‐and age‐specific trait‐mediated indirect effects of predators
JF Stephenson, C Van Oosterhout, RS Mohammed, J Cable
Ecology 96 (2), 489-498, 2015
Zebrafish preference for light or dark is dependent on ambient light levels and olfactory stimulation
JF Stephenson, KE Whitlock, JC Partridge
Zebrafish 8 (1), 17-22, 2011
Bidirectional interactions between host social behaviour and parasites arise through ecological and evolutionary processes
DM Hawley, AK Gibson, AK Townsend, ME Craft, JF Stephenson
Parasitology, 1-70, 2020
Parasite-induced plasticity in host social behaviour depends on sex and susceptibility
JF Stephenson
Biology letters 15 (11), 20190557, 2019
The diversity of juvenile salmonids does not affect their competitive impact on a native galaxiid
KA Young, J Stephenson, A Terreau, AF Thailly, G Gajardo, CG de Leaniz
Biological Invasions 11 (8), 1955-1961, 2009
Keeping eyes peeled: guppies exposed to chemical alarm cue are more responsive to ambiguous visual cues
JF Stephenson
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2016
Host heterogeneity affects both parasite transmission to and fitness on subsequent hosts
JF Stephenson, KA Young, J Fox, J Jokela, J Cable, SE Perkins
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Pace of life, predators and parasites: predator-induced life-history evolution in Trinidadian guppies predicts decrease in parasite tolerance
JF Stephenson, C van Oosterhout, J Cable
Biology Letters 11 (11), 20150806, 2015
A further cost for the sicker sex? Evidence for male‐biased parasite‐induced vulnerability to predation
JF Stephenson, C Kinsella, J Cable, C Van Oosterhout
Ecology and Evolution 6 (8), 2506-2515, 2016
The chemical cues of male sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis encourage others to move between host Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
JF Stephenson
Journal of fish biology 81 (3), 1118-1123, 2012
The size, symmetry, and color saturation of a male guppy’s ornaments forecast his resistance to parasites
JF Stephenson, M Stevens, J Troscianko, J Jokela
The American Naturalist 196 (5), 597-608, 2020
Can parasites use predators to spread between primary hosts?
J Cable, GA Archard, RS Mohammed, M Mcmullan, JF Stephenson, ...
Parasitology 140 (9), 1138-1143, 2013
Shoaling guppies evade predation but have deadlier parasites
JC Walsman, MJ Janecka, DR Clark, RD Kramp, F Rovenolt, R Patrick, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (7), 945-954, 2022
The behaviour of infected guppies depends on social context, parasite tolerance and host sex
MG Jog, ME Sackett, SD Kisty, JA Hansen, JF Stephenson
Animal Behaviour 187, 97-104, 2022
Imprinting can cause a maladaptive preference for infectious conspecifics
JF Stephenson, M Reynolds
Biology Letters 12 (4), 20160020, 2016
Ornaments indicate parasite load only if they are dynamic or parasites are contagious
LR Dougherty, F Rovenolt, A Luyet, J Jokela, JF Stephenson
Evolution Letters 7 (3), 176-190, 2023
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