Professor Azizur Rahman, PhD
Professor Azizur Rahman, PhD
Prof. and the Leader of Data Mining Research Group & Data Analytics Lab at Charles Sturt University
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Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic …
MB Reitsma, PJ Kendrick, E Ababneh, C Abbafati, M Abbasi-Kangevari, ...
The Lancet 397 (10292), 2337-2360, 2021
Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020
D Bryazka, MB Reitsma, MG Griswold, KH Abate, C Abbafati, ...
The Lancet 400 (10347), 185-235, 2022
Determinants of chronic malnutrition among preschool children in Bangladesh
A Rahman, S Chowdhury
Journal of biosocial science 39 (2), 161-173, 2007
Prevalence, years lived with disability, and trends in anaemia burden by severity and cause, 1990–2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
WM Gardner, C Razo, TA McHugh, H Hagins, VM Vilchis-Tella, ...
The Lancet Haematology 10 (9), e713-e734, 2023
A comprehensive method for improvement of water quality index (WQI) models for coastal water quality assessment
MG Uddin, S Nash, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Water Research 219, 118532, 2022
Performance analysis of the water quality index model for predicting water state using machine learning techniques
MG Uddin, S Nash, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 169, 808-828, 2023
Age–sex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990–2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
HH Kyu, A Vongpradith, SB Sirota, A Novotney, CE Troeger, MC Doxey, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 22 (11), 1626-1647, 2022
Robust machine learning algorithms for predicting coastal water quality index
MG Uddin, S Nash, MTM Diganta, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Journal of Environmental Management 321, 115923, 2022
A novel approach for estimating and predicting uncertainty in water quality index model using machine learning approaches
MG Uddin, S Nash, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Water Research 229, 119422, 2023
Acute malnutrition in Bangladeshi children: levels and determinants
A Rahman, S Chowdhury, D Hossain
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 21 (3), 294-302, 2009
Jurisdictional, socioeconomic and gender inequalities in child health and development: Analysis of a national census of 5 year olds in Australia
S Brinkman, A Gormez, A Rahman, colleagues
BMJ Open 2 (5 e001075), pp. 1-15, 2012
Assessing optimization techniques for improving water quality model
MG Uddin, S Nash, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Journal of Cleaner Production 385, 135671, 2023
Small area estimation and microsimulation modeling
A Rahman, A Harding
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2016
Malware analysis and detection using data mining and machine learning classification
M Chowdhury, A Rahman, R Islam
International conference on applications and techniques in cyber security …, 2018
Methodological issues in spatial microsimulation modelling for small area estimation
A Rahman, A Harding, R Tanton, S Liu
International Journal of Microsimulation 3 (2), 3-22, 2010
A cross-sectional study of anxiety, stress, perception and mental health towards online learning of school children in India during COVID-19
P Harjule, A Rahman, B Agarwal
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 24 (2), 411-424, 2021
Significant Risk Factors for Childhood Malnutrition: Evidence from an Asian Developing Country
A Rahman
Science Journal of Public Health 4 (1), 16-27, 2016
Prevalence and determinants of chronic malnutrition among under-5 children in Ethiopia
B Megabiaw, A Rahman
International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 2 (3), 230-236, 2013
A sophisticated model for rating water quality
MG Uddin, S Nash, A Rahman, AI Olbert
Science of the Total Environment 868, 161614, 2023
Statistics-based data preprocessing methods and machine learning algorithms for big data analysis
A Rahman
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 17 (2), 44-65, 2019
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