Интерметаллиды Ni3Al и TiAl: микроструктура, деформационное поведение БА Гринберг, МА Иванов Екатеринбург: УрО РАН 360, 4, 2002 | 273* | 2002 |
Long-range impurity states in magnetic crystals MA Ivanov, VM Loktev, YG Pogorelov Physics Reports 153 (4-5), 209-330, 1987 | 92 | 1987 |
The problem of intermixing of metals possessing no mutual solubility upon explosion welding (Cu–Ta, Fe–Ag, Al–Ta) BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, VV Rybin, OA Elkina, OV Antonova, ... Materials characterization 75, 51-62, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
The nonleptonic decays B+ c→ D+ sD0 and B+ c→ D+ sD0 in a relativistic quark model MA Ivanov, JG Körner, ON Pakhomova Physics Letters B 555 (3-4), 189-196, 2003 | 70 | 2003 |
Performances of regression model and artificial neural network in monitoring welding quality based on power signal D Zhao, Y Wang, D Liang, M Ivanov Journal of materials research and technology 9 (2), 1231-1240, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Совместная деятельность: методология, теория, практика КА Абульханова, ОВ Аллахвердова, МИ Бобнева, БП Жизневский, ... Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие Академический научно …, 1988 | 59 | 1988 |
Microheterogeneous structure of local melted zones in the process of explosive welding BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, AV Inozemtsev, AM Patselov, MS Pushkin, ... Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 3569-3580, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Intermetallidy Ni3Al i TiAl: mikrostruktura, deformatsionnoe povedenie [Intermetallida Ni3Al and TiAl: microstructure, deformation behavior] BA Grinberg, MA Ivanov Ural'skoi otdelenie Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, Ekaterinburg, 2002 | 45* | 2002 |
Spectral distribution of localized vibrations MA Ivanov, KVASHNIN. LB, KRIVOGLA. MA SOVIET PHYSICS SOLID STATE, USSR 7 (7), 1652-&, 1966 | 40 | 1966 |
Nanostructure of vortex during explosion welding VV Rybin, BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, AM Patselov, OV Antonova, ... Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11 (10), 8885-8895, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
An overview of microstructure, mechanical properties and processing of high entropy alloys and its future perspectives in aeroengine applications T Sonar, M Ivanov, E Trofimov, A Tingaev, I Suleymanova Materials Science for Energy Technologies 7, 35-60, 2024 | 38 | 2024 |
Inhomogeneities of the interface produced by explosive welding BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, VV Rybin, AV Inozemtsev, OV Antonova, ... The Physics of Metals and Metallography 113, 176-189, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Welding quality evaluation of resistance spot welding based on a hybrid approach D Zhao, M Ivanov, Y Wang, W Du Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 32 (7), 1819-1832, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
Some features of the formation and destruction of dislocation barriers in intermetallic compounds: II. Observation of blocked superidislocations upon heating without stress BA Greenberg, OV Antonova, MA Ivanov, AM Patselov, AV Plotnikov The Physics of Metals and Metallography 102 (1), 69-75, 2006 | 34* | 2006 |
Математика без репетитора: 800 задач с ответами и решениями для абитуриентов МА Иванов М.: Вентана–Граф, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
Dynamics of Quasilocalized Vibrations with a High Concentration of Impurity Centers MA Ivanov SOVIET PHYSICS SOLID STATE, USSR 12 (7), 1508-+, 1971 | 33 | 1971 |
Spectral distribution of local vibrations MA Ivanov, LB Kvashina, MA Krivoglaz Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad) 7 (7), 2047-2057, 1965 | 31 | 1965 |
Interface relief upon explosion welding: Splashes and waves BA Greenberg, MA Ivanov, AV Inozemtsev, SV Kuz’min, VI Lysak, ... The Physics of Metals and Metallography 116, 367-377, 2015 | 30* | 2015 |
Первое наблюдение в чистом металле блокировки дислокаций без помощи внешнего напряжения БА Гринберг, МА Иванов, ОВ Антонова, АМ Власова Кристаллография 57 (4), 610-610, 2012 | 30* | 2012 |
Dynamics of quasi-localized vibrations at high concentrations of impurity centers(Monatomic crystal vibrational spectrum, noting quasi-local vibrations near high impurity … MA Ivanov FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA 12, 1895-1905, 1970 | 30 | 1970 |