Semiotic mediation in the mathematics classroom: Artifacts and signs after a Vygotskian perspective MGB Bussi, MA Mariotti Handbook of international research in mathematics education 746, 2008 | 924 | 2008 |
Introduction to proof: The mediation of a dynamic software environment MA Mariotti Educational studies in mathematics 44 (1), 25-53, 2000 | 518 | 2000 |
Proof and proving in mathematics education MA Mariotti Handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education, 173-204, 2006 | 481 | 2006 |
Integrating technology into mathematics education: Theoretical perspectives P Drijvers, C Kieran, MA Mariotti, J Ainley, M Andresen, YC Chan, ... Mathematics education and technology-rethinking the terrain: The 17th ICMI …, 2010 | 337 | 2010 |
The influence of technological advances on students’ mathematics learning MA Mariotti Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 695-723, 2002 | 326 | 2002 |
Generating conjectures in dynamic geometry: The maintaining dragging model A Baccaglini-Frank, MA Mariotti International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 15, 225-253, 2010 | 277 | 2010 |
Approaching functions: Cabri tools as instruments of semiotic mediation R Falcade, C Laborde, MA Mariotti Educational Studies in Mathematics 66, 317-333, 2007 | 276 | 2007 |
Defining in classroom activities M Alessandra Mariotti, E Fischbein Educational Studies in Mathematics 34 (3), 219-248, 1997 | 256 | 1997 |
Approaching geometry theorems in contexts: from history and epistemology to cognition MA Mariotti, MG Bartolini Bussi, P Boero, F Ferri, R Garuti Proceedings of the 21th PME Conference, Lathi 1, 180-195, 1997 | 248 | 1997 |
Challenging the traditional school approach to theorems: A hypothesis about the cognitive unity of theorems P Boero, R Garuti, E Lemut, MA Mariotti Proceedings of the 20th PME Conference 2, 113-120, 1996 | 235 | 1996 |
Some dynamic mental processes underlying producing and proving conjectures P Boero, R Garuti, MA Mariotti Proceedings of the 20th PME Conference 2, 121-128, 1996 | 217 | 1996 |
Indirect proof: what is specific to this way of proving? S Antonini, MA Mariotti Zdm 40 (3), 401-412, 2008 | 171 | 2008 |
Artifacts and signs after a Vygotskian perspective: the role of the teacher MA Mariotti ZDM 41 (4), 427-440, 2009 | 169 | 2009 |
Justifying and proving in the Cabri environment MA Mariotti International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 6, 257-281, 2002 | 165 | 2002 |
Images and concepts in geometrical reasoning MA Mariotti Exploiting mental imagery with computers in mathematics education, 97-116, 1995 | 122 | 1995 |
Discernment of invariants in dynamic geometry environments A Leung, A Baccaglini-Frank, MA Mariotti Educational Studies in Mathematics 84, 439-460, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Semiotic mediation: From history to the mathematics classroom MGB Bussi, MA Mariotti For the learning of mathematics 19 (2), 27-35, 1999 | 113 | 1999 |
Experimental approaches to theoretical thinking: Artefacts and proofs F Arzarello, MGB Bussi, AYL Leung, MA Mariotti, I Stevenson Proof and proving in mathematics education: The 19th ICMI Study, 97-143, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |
Introducing students to geometric theorems: how the teacher can exploit the semiotic potential of a DGS MA Mariotti ZDM 45, 441-452, 2013 | 75 | 2013 |
From drawing to construction: teacher's mediation within the Cabri environment MA Mariotti, MGB Bussi NOTE 358p.; For volumes 1-4, see SE 062 271-274; for the 1998 conference …, 1998 | 74 | 1998 |