Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Diego CalvaneseAflați mai multe
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Ontology-based update in virtual knowledge graphs via schema mapping recovery
RE Wandji, D Calvanese
International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, 59-74, 2024
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
OntoRaster: Extending VKGs with Raster Data
A Ghosh, A Pano, G Xiao, D Calvanese
International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, 108-123, 2024
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Disponibile undeva: 76
AI-augmented business process management systems: a research manifesto
M Dumas, F Fournier, L Limonad, A Marrella, M Montali, JR Rehse, ...
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 14 (1), 1-19, 2023
Mandate: European Commission
OCL-Lite: Finite reasoning on UML/OCL conceptual schemas
A Queralt, A Artale, D Calvanese, E Teniente
Data & Knowledge Engineering 73, 1-22, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
The virtual knowledge graph system ontop
G Xiao, D Lanti, R Kontchakov, S Komla-Ebri, E Güzel-Kalaycı, L Ding, ...
International Semantic Web Conference, 259-277, 2020
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, European Commission
Regular Path Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Nominals.
D Calvanese, T Eiter, M Ortiz
IJCAI 9, 714-720, 2009
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Reasoning about explanations for negative query answers in DL-Lite
D Calvanese, M Ortiz, M Simkus, G Stefanoni
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 48, 635-669, 2013
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Ontology-based data integration in EPNet: Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire
D Calvanese, P Liuzzo, A Mosca, J Remesal, M Rezk, G Rull
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 51, 212-229, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Semantic integration of Bosch manufacturing data using virtual knowledge graphs
EG Kalaycı, I Grangel González, F Lösch, G Xiao, A ul-Mehdi, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2020: 19th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2020
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, European Commission
Nested regular path queries in description logics
M Bienvenu, D Calvanese, M Ortiz, M Simkus
KR, 2014
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Answering regular path queries in expressive description logics via alternating tree-automata
D Calvanese, T Eiter, M Ortiz
Information and Computation 237, 12-55, 2014
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Managing change in graph-structured data using description logics
S Ahmetaj, D Calvanese, M Ortiz, M Šimkus
ACM transactions on computational logic (TOCL) 18 (4), 1-35, 2017
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Capturing relational schemas and functional dependencies in RDFS
D Calvanese, W Fischl, R Pichler, E Sallinger, M Simkus
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
Verifiable UML artifact-centric business process models
D Calvanese, M Montali, M Estañol, E Teniente
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Efficient ontology-based data integration with canonical IRIs
G Xiao, D Hovland, D Bilidas, M Rezk, M Giese, D Calvanese
European Semantic Web Conference, 697-713, 2018
Mandate: Research Council of Norway
Soundness of data-aware, case-centric processes
M Montali, D Calvanese
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 18, 535-558, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
A framework uniting ontology-based geodata integration and geovisual analytics
L Ding, G Xiao, D Calvanese, L Meng
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (8), 474, 2020
Mandate: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, European Commission, Government of Italy
Verification of evolving graph-structured data under expressive path constraints
D Calvanese, M Ortiz, M Šimkus
19th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2016), 15: 1-15: 19, 2016
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, Austria
Containment of regular path queries under description logic constraints
D Calvanese, M Ortiz, M Simkus
IJCAI proceedings-international joint conference on artificial intelligence …, 2011
Mandate: Austrian Science Fund
INODE: building an end-to-end data exploration system in practice
S Amer-Yahia, G Koutrika, M Braschler, D Calvanese, D Lanti, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 50 (4), 23-29, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
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