Susan Rees
Susan Rees
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unsw.edu.au
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The contemporary refugee crisis: an overview of mental health challenges
D Silove, P Ventevogel, S Rees
World psychiatry 16 (2), 130-139, 2017
Lifetime prevalence of gender-based violence in women and the relationship with mental disorders and psychosocial function
S Rees, D Silove, T Chey, L Ivancic, Z Steel, M Creamer, M Teesson, ...
Jama 306 (5), 513-521, 2011
Trauma at the hands of another: Distinguishing PTSD patterns following intimate and nonintimate interpersonal and noninterpersonal trauma in a nationally representative sample
A Phelps, D Wade, M Creamer, RA Bryant, A McFarlane, D Silove, K Mills
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 75 (2), 147-153, 2014
Domestic violence in refugee families in Australia
S Rees, B Pease
Journal of immigrant & refugee studies 5 (2), 1-19, 2007
The prevalence and correlates of adult separation anxiety disorder in an anxiety clinic
DM Silove, CL Marnane, R Wagner, VL Manicavasagar, S Rees
BMC psychiatry 10, 1-7, 2010
Gendered dimensions of the 2004 tsunami and a potential social work response in post-disaster situations
E Pittaway, L Bartolomei, S Rees
International Social Work 50 (3), 307-319, 2007
The structure of post-traumatic stress disorder and complex post-traumatic stress disorder amongst West Papuan refugees
AK Tay, S Rees, J Chen, M Kareth, D Silove
BMC psychiatry 15, 1-17, 2015
Effects of recurrent violence on post-traumatic stress disorder and severe distress in conflict-affected Timor-Leste: a 6-year longitudinal study
D Silove, B Liddell, S Rees, T Chey, A Nickerson, N Tam, AB Zwi, ...
The Lancet Global Health 2 (5), e293-e300, 2014
Adult separation anxiety disorder: a disorder comes of age
V Manicavasagar, C Marnane, S Pini, M Abelli, S Rees, V Eapen, ...
Current psychiatry reports 12, 290-297, 2010
The contribution of gender-based violence and network trauma to gender differences in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
D Silove, JR Baker, M Mohsin, M Teesson, M Creamer, M O'Donnell, ...
PloS one 12 (2), e0171879, 2017
Consideration of the determinants of women's mental health in remote Australian mining towns
S Sharma, S Rees
Australian Journal of Rural Health 15 (1), 1-7, 2007
Intermittent explosive disorder amongst women in conflict affected Timor-Leste: associations with human rights trauma, ongoing violence, poverty, and injustice
S Rees, D Silove, T Verdial, N Tam, E Savio, Z Fonseca, R Thorpe, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e69207, 2013
COVID-19 and the Mental Health of Refugees
S Rees
International Journal of Health Services 130 (https://doi.org/10.1177 …, 2020
Refugee settlement, safety and wellbeing: Exploring domestic and family violence in refugee communities
S Rees, B Pease
Immigrant Women's Domestic Violence Service, 2006
Factorial structure of complicated grief: associations with loss-related traumatic events and psychosocial impacts of mass conflict amongst West Papuan refugees
AK Tay, S Rees, J Chen, M Kareth, D Silove
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 51, 395-406, 2016
Testing a cycle of family violence model in conflict-affected, low-income countries: a qualitative study from Timor-Leste
S Rees, R Thorpe, W Tol, M Fonseca, D Silove
Social Science & Medicine 130, 284-291, 2015
Sakit Hati: A state of chronic mental distress related to resentment and anger amongst West Papuan refugees exposed to persecution
S Rees, D Silove
Social Science & Medicine 73 (1), 103-110, 2011
Functional impairment as a proxy measure indicating high rates of trauma exposure, post-migration living difficulties, common mental disorders, and poor health amongst Rohingya …
AK Tay, S Rees, MAA Miah, S Khan, M Badrudduza, K Morgan, ...
Translational psychiatry 9 (1), 213, 2019
Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women: State of …
JM Breckenridge, S Rees, S Murray
Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), 2016
Explosive anger in postconflict Timor Leste: interaction of socio-economic disadvantage and past human rights-related trauma
R Brooks, D Silove, Z Steel, CB Steel, S Rees
Journal of affective disorders 131 (1-3), 268-276, 2011
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