Eva Pila, PhD
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Body image, physical activity, and sport: A scoping review
CM Sabiston, E Pila, M Vani, C Thogersen-Ntoumani
Psychology of sport and exercise 42, 48-57, 2019
Social physique anxiety experiences in physical activity: a comprehensive synthesis of research studies focused on measurement, theory, and predictors and outcomes
CM Sabiston, E Pila, G Pinsonnault-Bilodeau, AE Cox
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 7 (1), 158-183, 2014
Pathways from sociocultural and objectification constructs to body satisfaction among women: The US Body Project I
DA Frederick, TL Tylka, RF Rodgers, JL Pennesi, L Convertino, ...
Body Image 41, 195-208, 2022
A thematic content analysis of# cheatmeal images on social media: Characterizing an emerging dietary trend
E Pila, JM Mond, S Griffiths, D Mitchison, SB Murray
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (6), 698-706, 2017
Changes in body-related self-conscious emotions over time among youth female athletes
CM Sabiston, E Pila, PRE Crocker, DE Mack, PM Wilson, J Brunet, ...
Body image 32, 24-33, 2020
Do body-related shame and guilt mediate the association between weight status and self-esteem?
E Pila, CM Sabiston, J Brunet, AL Castonguay, J O’Loughlin
Journal of health psychology 20 (5), 659-669, 2015
Body-related envy: A social comparison perspective in sport and exercise
E Pila, A Stamiris, A Castonguay, CM Sabiston
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 36 (1), 93-106, 2014
When illness severity and research dollars do not align: are we overlooking eating disorders?
SB Murray, E Pila, S Griffiths, D Le Grange
World Psychiatry 16 (3), 321, 2017
Body-related self-conscious emotions relate to physical activity motivation and behavior in men
AL Castonguay, E Pila, C Wrosch, CM Sabiston
American Journal of Men's Health 9 (3), 209-221, 2015
Intrapersonal characteristics of body-related guilt, shame, pride, and envy in Canadian adults
E Pila, J Brunet, PRE Crocker, KC Kowalski, CM Sabiston
Body image 16, 100-106, 2016
What’sa coach to do? Exploring coaches’ perspectives of body image in girls sport
CM Sabiston, KM Lucibello, D Kuzmochka-Wilks, A Koulanova, E Pila, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 48, 101669, 2020
Demographic predictors of body image satisfaction: The US Body Project I
DA Frederick, CE Crerand, TA Brown, M Perez, CR Best, ...
Body image 41, 17-31, 2022
The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS): Breast size dissatisfaction and its antecedents and outcomes in women from 40 nations
V Swami, US Tran, D Barron, R Afhami, A Aimé, CA Almenara, NA Dal, ...
Body Image 32, 199-217, 2020
Demographic predictors of objectification theory and tripartite influence model constructs: The US Body Project I
DA Frederick, E Pila, VL Malcarne, EJ Compte, JM Nagata, CR Best, ...
Body Image 40, 182-199, 2022
Body pride and physical activity: Differential associations between fitness-and appearance-related pride in young adult Canadians
JD Gilchrist, E Pila, A Castonguay, CM Sabiston, DE Mack
Body Image 27, 77-85, 2018
Body-related shame and guilt predict physical activity in breast cancer survivors over time
AL Castonguay
Number 4/July 2017 44 (4), 465-475, 2017
‘Can you move your fat ass off the baseline?’Exploring the sport experiences of adolescent girls with body image concerns
MF Vani, E Pila, M deJonge, S Solomon-Krakus, CM Sabiston
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 13 (4), 671-689, 2021
Body-related embarrassment: The overlooked self-conscious emotion
MF Vani, E Pila, E Willson, CM Sabiston
Body image 32, 14-23, 2020
Comparing the body to superior others: Associations with daily exercise and body evaluation in men and women
E Pila, MA Barlow, C Wrosch, CM Sabiston
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 27, 120-127, 2016
Ideas for action: Exploring strategies to address body image concerns for adolescent girls involved in sport
A Koulanova, CM Sabiston, E Pila, J Brunet, B Sylvester, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 56, 102017, 2021
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