Stefanie Wuhrer
Stefanie Wuhrer
INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes
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3d morphable face models—past, present, and future
B Egger, WAP Smith, A Tewari, S Wuhrer, M Zollhoefer, T Beeler, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 39 (5), 1-38, 2020
Building statistical shape spaces for 3d human modeling
L Pishchulin, S Wuhrer, T Helten, C Theobalt, B Schiele
Pattern Recognition 67, 276–286, 2017
SHREC’10 track: non-rigid 3D shape retrieval
Z Lian, A Godil, T Fabry, T Furuya, J Hermans, R Ohbuchi, C Shu, ...
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2010
Fitting a 3D morphable model to edges: A comparison between hard and soft correspondences
A Bas, WAP Smith, T Bolkart, S Wuhrer
ACCV Workshop on Facial Informatics, 2016
Review of Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Data with Comparative Analysis for Human Faces
A Brunton, A Salazar, T Bolkart, S Wuhrer
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 128, 1-17, 2014
Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces
A Brunton, T Bolkart, S Wuhrer
European Conference on Computer Vision, 2014
A survey of geodesic paths on 3D surfaces
P Bose, A Maheshwari, C Shu, S Wuhrer
Computational Geometry Theory and Applications 44 (9), 486-498, 2011
Estimation of human body shape in motion with wide clothing
J Yang, JS Franco, F Hétroy-Wheeler, S Wuhrer
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Estimation of Human Body Shape and Posture Under Clothing
S Wuhrer, L Pishchulin, A Brunton, C Shu, J Lang
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 127, 31–42, 2014
A groupwise multilinear correspondence optimization for 3d faces
T Bolkart, S Wuhrer
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 3604-3612, 2015
Analyzing clothing layer deformation statistics of 3d human motions
J Yang, JS Franco, F Hétroy-Wheeler, S Wuhrer
Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 237-253, 2018
Three-dimensional human shape inference from silhouettes: reconstruction and validation
J Boisvert, C Shu, S Wuhrer, P Xi
Machine Vision and Applications, 2011
Estimating 3D human shapes from measurements
S Wuhrer, C Shu
Machine Vision and Applications 24 (6), 1133-1147, 2013
Filling holes in triangular meshes using digital images by curve unfolding
A Brunton, S Wuhrer, C Shu, P Bose, E Demaine
International Journal of Shape Modeling 16 (1/2), 151-171, 2010
Fully Automatic Expression-Invariant Face Correspondence
A Salazar, S Wuhrer, C Shu, F Prieto
Machine Vision and Applications 25 (4), 859-879, 2014
Landmark-free posture invariant human shape correspondence
S Wuhrer, C Shu, P Xi
The Visual Computer 27 (9), 843-852, 2011
Multilinear autoencoder for 3D face model learning
VF Abrevaya, S Wuhrer, E Boyer
2018 IEEE winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 1-9, 2018
3D faces in motion: Fully automatic registration and statistical analysis
T Bolkart, S Wuhrer
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 131, 100-115, 2015
π/2-Angle Yao graphs are spanners
P Bose, M Damian, K Douieb, J O'Rourke, B Seamone, M Smid, S Wuhrer
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 22 (01), 61-82, 2012
Linear reconfiguration of cube-style modular robots
G Aloupis, S Collette, M Damian, ED Demaine, R Flatland, S Langerman, ...
Computational Geometry Theory and Applications 42 (6), 652-663, 2009
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