Sentiment analysis for hotel reviews W Kasper Речевые технологии/Speech Technologies, 96-109, 2012 | 233 | 2012 |
HPSG analysis of German S Müller, W Kasper Verbmobil: Foundations of speech-to-speech translation, 238-253, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
Presuppositions, composition, and simple subjunctives W Kasper Journal of Semantics 9 (4), 307-331, 1992 | 71 | 1992 |
DISCO-an HPSG-based NLP system and its application for appointment scheduling H Uszkoreit, R Backofen, S Busemann, AK Diagne, EA Hinkelman, ... | 69 | 1994 |
Semantik des Konjunktivs II in Deklarativsätzen des Deutschen W Kasper Walter de Gruyter, 2011 | 61 | 2011 |
OpenLogos machine translation: philosophy, model, resources and customization A Barreiro, B Scott, W Kasper, B Kiefer Machine Translation 25 (2), 107-126, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Charting the depths of robust speech parsing W Kasper, B Kiefer, HU Krieger, CJ Rupp, KL Worm Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
Bóg Jezusa Chrystusa W Kasper Wydawn. Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej, 1996 | 29 | 1996 |
Das Wesen des Christlichen W Kasper Theologische Revue 65 (3), 182-188, 1969 | 23 | 1969 |
Deep linguistic analysis with HPSG H Uszkoreit, D Flickinger, W Kasper, IA Sag Verbmobil: Foundations of speech-to-speech translation, 216-237, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Modularizing codescriptive grammars for efficient parsing W Kasper, HU Krieger | 21 | 1996 |
French past tenses and temporal structure K Eberle, W Kasper na, 1994 | 20 | 1994 |
Tenses as anaphora K Eberle, W Kasper Fourth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for …, 1989 | 19 | 1989 |
From word hypotheses to logical form: An efficient interleaved approach W Kasper, HU Krieger, J Spilker, H Weber KONVENS, 77-88, 1996 | 18 | 1996 |
The Christian understanding of freedom and the history of freedom in the Modern Era: the meeting and confrontation between Christianity and the Modern Era in a postmodern situation W Kasper The Pere Marquette theology lecture, 1988 | 18 | 1988 |
Monitoring and summarization of hotel reviews W Kasper, M Vela Information and communication technologies in tourism 2012, 471-482, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
A system for the semantic multimodal analysis of news audio-visual content V Mezaris, S Gidaros, GT Papadopoulos, W Kasper, J Steffen, ... EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-16, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
Bóg Jezusa Chrystusa, tłum W Kasper J. Tyrawa, Wrocław, 1996 | 15 | 1996 |
Distributed parsing with HPSG grammars AK Diagne, W Kasper, HU Krieger | 14 | 1995 |