Ivan Toni
Ivan Toni
Principal Investigator, Donders Institute; Professor of Motor Cognition, Radboud University
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The prefrontal cortex: response selection or maintenance within working memory?
JB Rowe, I Toni, O Josephs, RSJ Frackowiak, RE Passingham
Science 288 (5471), 1656, 2000
On the relationship between the “default mode network” and the “social brain”
RB Mars, FX Neubert, MAP Noonan, J Sallet, I Toni, MFS Rushworth
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 189, 2012
Cerebral causes and consequences of parkinsonian resting tremor: a tale of two circuits?
RC Helmich, M Hallett, G Deuschl, I Toni, BR Bloem
Brain 135 (11), 3206-3226, 2012
Shared representations for working memory and mental imagery in early visual cortex
AM Albers, P Kok, I Toni, HC Dijkerman, FP De Lange
Current Biology 23 (15), 1427-1431, 2013
Connectivity-based subdivisions of the human right “temporoparietal junction area”: evidence for different areas participating in different cortical networks
RB Mars, J Sallet, U Schüffelgen, S Jbabdi, I Toni, MFS Rushworth
Cerebral cortex 22 (8), 1894-1903, 2012
The time course of changes during motor sequence learning: a whole-brain fMRI study
I Toni, M Krams, R Turner, RE Passingham
Neuroimage 8 (1), 50-61, 1998
Spatial remapping of cortico-striatal connectivity in Parkinson's disease
RC Helmich, LC Derikx, M Bakker, R Scheeringa, BR Bloem, I Toni
Cerebral Cortex 20 (5), 1175, 2010
Visual illusion and action
M Gentilucci, S Chieffi, E Daprati, MC Saetti, I Toni
Neuropsychologia 34 (5), 369-376, 1996
The pathophysiology of essential tremor and Parkinson's tremor
BBR Helmich RC, Toni I, Deuschl G
Current neurology and neuroscience reports 13 (6), 378, 2013
Pallidal dysfunction drives a cerebellothalamic circuit into Parkinson tremor
RC Helmich, MJR Janssen, WJG Oyen, BR Bloem, I Toni
Annals of neurology 69 (2), 269-281, 2011
A functional anatomy of anticipatory anxiety
P Chua, M Krams, I Toni, R Passingham, R Dolan
Neuroimage 9 (6), 563-571, 1999
Gait-related cerebral alterations in patients with Parkinson’s disease with freezing of gait
AH Snijders, I Leunissen, M Bakker, S Overeem, RC Helmich, BR Bloem, ...
Brain 134 (1), 59-72, 2011
Complementary systems for understanding action intentions
FP de Lange, M Spronk, RM Willems, I Toni, H Bekkering
Current biology 18 (6), 454-457, 2008
Subcortical correlates of craving in recently abstinent alcoholic patients
F Schneider, U Habel, M Wagner, P Franke, JB Salloum, NJ Shah, I Toni, ...
American Psychiatric Publishing, 2001
Posture influences motor imagery: an fMRI study
FP de Lange, RC Helmich, I Toni
Neuroimage 33 (2), 609-617, 2006
Specialisation within the prefrontal cortex: the ventral prefrontal cortex and associative learning
RE Passingham, I Toni, MFS Rushworth
Experimental Brain Research 133 (1), 103-113, 2000
Increase in prefrontal cortical volume following cognitive behavioural therapy in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
FP De Lange, A Koers, JS Kalkman, G Bleijenberg, P Hagoort, ...
Brain 131 (8), 2172, 2008
Visual pathways for object-oriented action and object recognition: functional anatomy with PET.
I Faillenot, I Toni, J Decety, MC Grégoire, M Jeannerod
Cerebral Cortex 7 (1), 77, 1997
No double-dissociation between optic ataxia and visual agnosia: Multiple sub-streams for multiple visuo-manual integrations
L Pisella, F Binkofski, K Lasek, I Toni, Y Rossetti
Neuropsychologia 44 (13), 2734-2748, 2006
Differential involvement of parietal and precentral regions in movement preparation and motor intention
D Thoenissen, K Zilles, I Toni
The Journal of neuroscience 22 (20), 9024-9034, 2002
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