April Smith
April Smith
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe auburn.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Status update: Maladaptive Facebook usage predicts increases in body dissatisfaction and bulimic symptoms
AR Smith, JL Hames, TE Joiner Jr
Journal of affective disorders 149 (1-3), 235-240, 2013
Eating disorders and suicidality: what we know, what we don’t know, and suggestions for future research
AR Smith, KL Zuromski, DR Dodd
Current opinion in psychology 22, 63-67, 2018
An examination of environmental and genetic contributions to the determinants of suicidal behavior among male twins
AR Smith, JD Ribeiro, A Mikolajewski, J Taylor, TE Joiner, WG Iacono
Psychiatry research 197 (1-2), 60-65, 2012
Ask and you shall receive: Desire and receipt of feedback via Facebook predicts disordered eating concerns
AC Hummel, AR Smith
International Journal of Eating Disorders 48 (4), 436-442, 2015
Exercise caution: over-exercise is associated with suicidality among individuals with disordered eating
AR Smith, EL Fink, MD Anestis, JD Ribeiro, KH Gordon, H Davis, PK Keel, ...
Psychiatry research 206 (2-3), 246-255, 2013
Muscularity versus leanness: An examination of body ideals and predictors of disordered eating in heterosexual and gay college students
AR Smith, SE Hawkeswood, LP Bodell, TE Joiner
Body image 8 (3), 232-236, 2011
Dysregulated eating and distress: Examining the specific role of negative urgency in a clinical sample
MD Anestis, AR Smith, EL Fink, TE Joiner
Cognitive therapy and research 33, 390-397, 2009
Characteristics of seeking treatment among US adolescents with eating disorders
LN Forrest, AR Smith, SA Swanson
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (7), 826-833, 2017
Core psychopathology in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A network analysis
LN Forrest, PJ Jones, SN Ortiz, AR Smith
International Journal of Eating Disorders 51 (7), 668-679, 2018
An assessment of suicide-related knowledge and skills among health professionals.
AR Smith, C Silva, DW Covington, TE Joiner Jr
Health Psychology 33 (2), 110, 2014
Habitual starvation and provocative behaviors: two potential routes to extreme suicidal behavior in anorexia nervosa
EA Selby, AR Smith, CM Bulik, MP Olmsted, L Thornton, TL McFarlane, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 48 (7), 634-645, 2010
Revisiting impulsivity in suicide: Implications for civil liability of third parties
AR Smith, TK Witte, NE Teale, SL King, TW Bender, TE Joiner
Behavioral sciences & the law 26 (6), 779-797, 2008
Intrasexual competition and eating restriction in heterosexual and homosexual individuals
NP Li, AR Smith, V Griskevicius, MJ Cason, A Bryan
Evolution and Human Behavior 31 (5), 365-372, 2010
The interpersonal effects of Facebook reassurance seeking
EM Clerkin, AR Smith, JL Hames
Journal of affective disorders 151 (2), 525-530, 2013
Weight discrimination, anticipated weight stigma, and disordered eating
JM Hunger, DR Dodd, AR Smith
Eating behaviors 37, 101383, 2020
Associations between eating disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation through thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness among eating disorder patients
LN Forrest, LP Bodell, TK Witte, N Goodwin, ML Bartlett, N Siegfried, ...
Journal of affective disorders 195, 127-135, 2016
(Dis) connected: An examination of interoception in individuals with suicidality.
LN Forrest, AR Smith, RD White, TE Joiner
Journal of abnormal psychology 124 (3), 754, 2015
Increased prevalence of vegetarianism among women with eating pathology
KL Zuromski, TK Witte, AR Smith, N Goodwin, LP Bodell, M Bartlett, ...
Eating behaviors 19, 24-27, 2015
Comparing the clinical presentation of eating disorder patients with and without trauma history and/or comorbid PTSD
A Scharff, SN Ortiz, LN Forrest, AR Smith
Eating disorders 29 (1), 88-102, 2021
Are eating disorders and related symptoms risk factors for suicidal thoughts and behaviors? A meta‐analysis
AR Smith, EA Velkoff, JD Ribeiro, J Franklin
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 49 (1), 221-239, 2019
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