Dr. Gururaj Telasang
Dr. Gururaj Telasang
International Advanced Research Center (ARCI) - Hyderabad
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe arci.res.in
Citat de
Citat de
Wear and corrosion behavior of laser surface engineered AISI H13 hot working tool steel
G Telasang, JD Majumdar, G Padmanabham, I Manna
Surface and Coatings Technology 261, 69-78, 2015
Effect of laser parameters on microstructure and hardness of laser clad and tempered AISI H13 tool steel
G Telasang, JD Majumdar, G Padmanabham, M Tak, I Manna
Surface and Coatings Technology 258, 1108-1118, 2014
Structure–property correlation in laser surface treated AISI H13 tool steel for improved mechanical properties
G Telasang, JD Majumdar, G Padmanabham, I Manna
Materials Science and Engineering: A 599, 255-267, 2014
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser clad and post-cladding tempered AISI H13 tool steel
G Telasang, J Dutta Majumdar, N Wasekar, G Padmanabham, I Manna
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 2309-2321, 2015
Effect of plasma pretreatment on adhesion and mechanical properties of UV-curable coatings on plastics
GP T Gururaj, R Subasri, KRCS Raju
Applied Surface Science 257 (9), 4360-4364, 2011
Effect of solutionizing temperature on the microstructural evolution during double aging of powder bed fusion-additive manufactured IN718 alloy
M Ramakrishna, S Koppoju, G Telasang, R Korla, G Padmanabham
Materials Characterization 172, 110868, 2021
Selective laser melting of stainless steel on the copper alloy: An investigation of the interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties
G Telasang, S Narayanaswamy, DM Santhoshsarang, R Bathe
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 80, 920-929, 2022
Additively manufactured high-performance conformally cooled H13 tool steel die insert for pressure die casting
DM Santhoshsarang, K Divya, G Telasang, S Soundarapandian, R Bathe, ...
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 6 (4), 1037-1048, 2021
Refurbishment of AISI H13 die materials by laser cladding
G Telasang, J Dutta Majumdar, G Padmanabham, I Manna
KIRAN Bull Indian Laser Assoc 24 (2), 33-36, 2013
UV-Curable Primer-cum-Paint System for Mild Steels based on Sol-Gel Coating Technology
KRC Somaraju, R Subasri, A Jyothirmayi, T Gururaj, G Padmanabham
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
A generalized machine learning framework for data-driven prediction of relative density in laser powder bed fusion parts
A Khalad, G Telasang, K Kadali, PN Zhang, W Xu, V Chinthapenta
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 135 (9), 4147 …, 2024
Additive Manufacturing of AISI H13 Tool Steel with Combinations of Higher Laser Power and Scan Speed: Microstructural and Mechanical Properties Insights
DM Santhoshsarang, S Narayanaswamy, G Telasang, K Divya, R Bathe, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-12, 2024
A Comparative Study on the Laser Surface Melting and Laser Surface Cladding of H13 Tool Steel
RJ Sai, AC Arohi, AK Khanra, R Kumar, G Telasang, I Manna, I Sen
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-19, 2024
Investigation on Correlation between Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Alsi10Mg Specimens by AM Technology
S Parveen, RS Rao, G Telasang
Proceedings of the Yukthi, 2021
Laser Surface Engineering of AISI H13 Hot Work Tool Steel
G Telasang
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