Nils Rüther
Nils Rüther
Professor in Hydraulic Engineering at TUM
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Citat de
Calculation of primary and secondary flow and boundary shear stresses in a meandering channel
T Stoesser, N Ruether, NRB Olsen
Advances in Water Resources 33 (2), 158-170, 2010
Modelling free-forming meander evolution in a laboratory channel using three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics
N Rüther, NRB Olsen
Geomorphology 89 (3-4), 308-319, 2007
Three-dimensional modeling of sediment transport in a narrow 90 channel bend
N Rüther, NR Olsen
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 131 (10), 917-920, 2005
The acoustic properties of suspended sediment in large rivers: Consequences on ADCP methods applicability
M Guerrero, N Rüther, R Szupiany, S Haun, S Baranya, F Latosinski
Water 8 (1), 13, 2016
Laboratory validation of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) techniques for suspended sediment investigations
M Guerrero, N Rüther, RN Szupiany
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 23 (1), 40-48, 2012
Three-dimensional numerical study of free-flow sediment flushing to increase the flushing efficiency: A case-study reservoir in Japan
T Esmaeili, T Sumi, SA Kantoush, Y Kubota, S Haun, N Rüther
Water 9 (11), 900, 2017
Three-dimensional (3D) modeling of non-uniform sediment transport in a channel bend with unsteady flow
T Fischer-Antze, N Rüther, NRB Olsen, D Gutknecht
Journal of Hydraulic Research 47 (5), 670-675, 2009
Miljøvirkninger av effektkjøring: Kunnskapsstatus og råd til forvaltning og industri
TH Bakken, T Forseth, A Harby, K Alfredsen, JV Arnekleiv, OK Berg, ...
3D CFD modeling of local scouring, bed armoring and sediment deposition
GT Török, S Baranya, N Rüther
Water 9 (1), 56, 2017
3-D computation of sediment transport at water intakes
N Ruether, JM Singh, NRB Olsen, E Atkinson
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 158 (1), 1-7, 2005
A combined use of acoustic and optical devices to investigate suspended sediment in rivers
M Guerrero, N Rüther, S Haun, S Baranya
Advances in Water Resources 102, 1-12, 2017
Investigation of the effects of ship induced waves on the littoral zone with field measurements and CFD modeling
G Fleit, S Baranya, N Rüther, H Bihs, T Krámer, J Józsa
Water 8 (7), 300, 2016
Applying ADCPs for long‐term monitoring of SSC in rivers
R Aleixo, M Guerrero, M Nones, N Ruther
Water Resources Research 56 (1), e2019WR026087, 2020
Comparison of real time suspended sediment transport measurements in river environment by LISST instruments in stationary and moving operation mode
S Haun, N Rüther, S Baranya, M Guerrero
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 41, 10-17, 2015
Performance of a one‐dimensional hydraulic model for the calculation of stranding areas in hydropeaking rivers
R Casas‐Mulet, K Alfredsen, T Boissy, H Sundt, N Rüther
River research and applications 31 (2), 143-155, 2015
Comparison under controlled conditions between multi-frequency ADCPs and LISST-SL for investigating suspended sand in rivers
M Guerrero, N Rüther, R Archetti
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 37, 73-82, 2014
Laboratory investigation of apparent bedload velocity measured by ADCPs under different transport conditions
S Conevski, M Guerrero, N Ruther, CD Rennie
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 145 (11), 04019036, 2019
Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics
S Kadia, N Rüther, I Albayrak, E Pummer
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 2022
Prediction of the three-dimensional flow field and bed shear stresses in a regulated river in mid-Norway
N Rüther, J Jacobsen, NRB Olsen, G Vatne
Hydrology research 41 (2), 145-152, 2010
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes modeling of submerged ogee weirs
Ø Pedersen, G Fleit, E Pummer, BP Tullis, N Rüther
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 144 (1), 04017059, 2018
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