Framing a phenomenological interview: what, why and how S Høffding, K Martiny Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 15, 539-564, 2016 | 484 | 2016 |
Playing together without communicating A Schiavio, S Høffding A pre-reflective and enactive account of joint musical performance, 2015 | 160* | 2015 |
A phenomenology of musical absorption S Høffding Springer International Publishing, 2018 | 141 | 2018 |
Framing a phenomenological mixed method: from inspiration to guidance KM Martiny, J Toro, S Høffding Frontiers in Psychology 12, 602081, 2021 | 77 | 2021 |
The epistemic status of intelligence: An epistemological contribution to the understanding of intelligence K Vrist Rønn, S Høffding Intelligence and National Security 28 (5), 694-716, 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Putting plural self-awareness into practice: the phenomenology of expert musicianship A Salice, S Høffding, S Gallagher Topoi 38, 197-209, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
Can we trust the phenomenological interview? Metaphysical, epistemological, and methodological objections S Høffding, K Martiny, A Roepstorff Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1), 33-51, 2022 | 56 | 2022 |
Interactive expertise in solo and joint musical performance S Høffding, G Satne Synthese 198 (Suppl 1), 427-445, 2021 | 51 | 2021 |
The promise of ‘sporting bodies’ in phenomenological thinking–how exceptional cases of practice can contribute to develop foundational phenomenological concepts S Ravn, S Høffding Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health 9 (1), 56-68, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
What is skilled coping?: Experts on expertise S Hoffding Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (9-10), 49-73, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Improvisation and thinking in movement: an enactivist analysis of agency in artistic practices S Ravn, S Høffding Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3), 515-537, 2022 | 42 | 2022 |
Exploratory expertise and the dual intentionality of music-making S Høffding, A Schiavio Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5), 811-829, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |
A phenomenology of expert musicianship S Høffding | 27 | 2015 |
Working with others’ experience S Høffding, K Heimann, K Martiny Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1), 1-24, 2023 | 26 | 2023 |
Move like everyone is watching: Social context affects head motion and gaze in string quartet performance L Bishop, V Gonzalez Sanchez, B Laeng, AR Jensenius, S Høffding Journal of New Music Research 50 (4), 392-412, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Participation and receptivity in the art museum–A phenomenological exposition S Høffding, M Rung, T Roald Curator: The Museum Journal 63 (1), 69-81, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
Passivity in Aesthetic Experience: Husserlian and Enactive Perspectives T Høffding, Simon & Roald Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 6 (1), 1-20, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Inner and Outer ears: enacting agential systems in music improvisation S Høffding, T Snekkestad Philosophy of Improvisation, 161-182, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Into the hive-mind: Shared absorption and cardiac interrelations in expert and student string quartets S Høffding, W Yi, E Lippert, VG Sanchez, L Bishop, B Laeng, A Danielsen, ... Music & Science 6, 20592043231168597, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Performative passivity: Lessons on phenomenology and the extended musical mind with the Danish String Quartet. S Høffding Oxford University Press, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |