Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Tetsuji OnoueAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 2
Terrestrial record of carbon-isotope shifts across the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: A high-resolution study from northwestern Sichuan Basin, South China
X Jin, JG Ogg, S Lu, Z Shi, DB Kemp, X Hua, T Onoue, M Rigo
Global and Planetary Change 210, 103754, 2022
Mandate: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Sedimentary record of Upper Triassic impact in the Lagonegro Basin, southern Italy: Insights from highly siderophile elements and Re-Os isotope stratigraphy across the Norian …
H Sato, A Ishikawa, T Onoue, Y Tomimatsu, M Rigo
Chemical Geology 586, 120506, 2021
Mandate: Government of Italy
Disponibile undeva: 19
The Late Triassic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: Biotic evidence and geochemical signature
M Rigo, T Onoue, LH Tanner, SG Lucas, L Godfrey, ME Katz, M Zaffani, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 204, 103180, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Australian Research Council, Government of Italy
The asynchronous disappearance of conodonts: New constraints from Triassic-Jurassic boundary sections in the Tethys and Panthalassa
Y Du, M Chiari, V Karádi, A Nicora, T Onoue, J Pálfy, G Roghi, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 203, 103176, 2020
Mandate: Government of Italy
Upper Triassic foraminifers from Panthalassan carbonate buildups of Southwestern Japan and their paleobiogeographic implications
J Chablais, R Martini, F Kobayashi, GM Stampfli, T Onoue
Micropaleontology, 93-124, 2011
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Upper Triassic reef-limestone blocks of southwestern Japan: new data from a Panthalassan seamount
J Chablais, T Onoue, R Martini
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 293 (1-2), 206-222, 2010
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Upper Triassic (Ladinian?-Carnian) reef biota from the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Shikoku, Japan
C Peybernes, J Chablais, R Martini
Facies 61, 1-27, 2015
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Microfacies and depositional setting of the Upper Triassic mid-oceanic atoll-type carbonates of the Sambosan Accretionary Complex (southern Kyushu, Japan)
J Chablais, R Martini, E Samankassou, T Onoue, H Sano
Facies 56, 249-278, 2010
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Early Triassic peritidal carbonate sedimentation on a Panthalassan seamount: the Jesmond succession, Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia, Canada
H Sano, T Onoue, MJ Orchard, R Martini
Facies 58, 113-130, 2012
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Paleoecology, biogeography, and evolution of reef ecosystems in the Panthalassa Ocean during the Late Triassic: Insights from reef limestone of the Sambosan Accretionary …
C Peybernes, J Chablais, T Onoue, G Escarguel, R Martini
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457, 31-51, 2016
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Aulotortus friedli from the Upper Triassic gravitational flow deposits of the Kumagawa River (Kyushu, Southwest Japan)
J Chablais, R Martini, T Onoue
Paleontological Research 14 (2), 151-160, 2010
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Climax in Wrangellia LIP activity coincident with major Middle Carnian (Late Triassic) climate and biotic changes: Mercury isotope evidence from the Panthalassa pelagic domain
X Jin, Y Tomimatsu, R Yin, T Onoue, M Franceschi, SE Grasby, Y Du, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 607, 118075, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mid-oceanic shallow-water carbonates of the Panthalassa domain: new microfacies data from the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Shikoku Island, Japan
C Peybernes, J Chablais, T Onoue, R Martini
Facies 62, 1-27, 2016
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Upper Triassic reefal limestone from the Sambosan accretionary complex in Japan and its geological implication
T Onoue, J Chablais, R Martini
The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 115 (6), 292-295, 2009
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Birth and death of seamounts in the Panthalassa Ocean: Late Triassic to early Jurassic sedimentary record at mount Sambosan, Shikoku, Southwest Japan
C Peybernes, G Peyrotty, J Chablais, T Onoue, D Yamashita, R Martini
Global and Planetary Change 192, 103250, 2020
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Evolutionary Process from Mockina bidentata to Parvigondolella andrusovi: Evidence from the Pizzo Mondello Section, Sicily, Italy
Y Du, T Onoue, V Karádi, IS Williams, M Rigo
Journal of Earth Science 32 (3), 667-676, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council, Government of Italy
Weathering trends in the Norian through geochemical and rock magnetic analyses from the Pignola-Abriola Section (Lagonegro Basin, Italy)
M Maron, T Onoue, S Satolli, K Soda, H Sato, G Muttoni, M Rigo
Climate of the Past Discussions 2023, 1-30, 2023
Mandate: Government of Italy
A new method for extracting conodonts and radiolarians from chert with N a OH solution
M Rigo, T Onoue, Q Wu, Y Tomimatsu, L Santello, Y Du, X Jin, A Bertinelli
Palaeontology 66 (4), e12672, 2023
Mandate: Government of Italy
Middle-Late triassic radiolarian assemblages from chert clasts of the Excelsior Gulch conglomerate (Wallowa terrane, Oregon, USA)
H Khalil, PO Baumgartner, T Onoue, N Del Piero, G Stanley, S Rigaud, ...
Rev. Paleobiol 39, 565-579, 2020
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
Sedimentology and biostratigraphy of the upper Triassic carbonates from the Shiriya cape, North Kitakami Belt, Japan
G Peyrotty, A Fucelli, C Peybernes, T Onoue, H Ueda, R Martini
Island Arc 31 (1), e12473, 2022
Mandate: Swiss National Science Foundation
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