The snow geese of La Pérouse Bay: natural selection in the wild F Cooke, DB Lank, RF Rockwell Oxford University Press, 1995 | 374 | 1995 |
Body size variation in lesser snow geese: environmental plasticity in gosling growth rates EG Cooch, DB Lank, A Dzubin, RF Rockwell, F Cooke Ecology 72 (2), 503-512, 1991 | 217 | 1991 |
Long-term decline in body size in a snow goose population: evidence of environmental degradation? EG Cooch, DB Lank, RF Rockwell, F Cooke The Journal of Animal Ecology, 483-496, 1991 | 204 | 1991 |
Retrospective analysis of demographic responses to environmental change: a lesser snow goose example E Cooch, RF Rockwell, S Brault Ecological Monographs 71 (3), 377-400, 2001 | 191 | 2001 |
Long‐term changes in survival rates of lesser snow geese CM Francis, MH Richards, F Cooke, RF Rockwell Ecology 73 (4), 1346-1362, 1992 | 177 | 1992 |
Recruitment and the Timing of Reproduction in Lesser Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) F Cooke, CS Findlay, RF Rockwell The Auk 101 (3), 451-458, 1984 | 170 | 1984 |
Transient population dynamics: relations to life history and initial population state DN Koons, JB Grand, B Zinner, RF Rockwell Ecological modelling 185 (2-4), 283-297, 2005 | 169 | 2005 |
Foraging geese, vegetation loss and soil degradation in an Arctic salt marsh RL Jefferies, RF Rockwell Applied vegetation science 5 (1), 7-16, 2002 | 168 | 2002 |
Environmental change and the cost of philopatry: an example in the lesser snow goose EG Cooch, RL Jefferies, RF Rockwell, F Cooke Oecologia 93, 128-138, 1993 | 153 | 1993 |
Agricultural food subsidies, migratory connectivity and large-scale disturbance in arctic coastal systems: a case study RL Jefferies, RF Rockwell, KF Abraham Integrative and comparative biology 44 (2), 130-139, 2004 | 146 | 2004 |
The detection of vegetational change by multitemporal analysis of LANDSAT data: the effects of goose foraging AP Jano, RL Jefferies, RF Rockwell Journal of Ecology 86 (1), 93-99, 1998 | 146 | 1998 |
Harvest, survival, and abundance of midcontinent lesser snow geese relative to population reduction efforts: Aprovechamiento, Supervivencia y Abundancia del Ganso Blanco del … RT Alisauskas, RF Rockwell, KW Dufour, EG Cooch, G Zimmerman, ... Wildlife Monographs 179 (1), 1-42, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Gene flow and the genetic structure of populations RF Rockwell, GF Barrowclough Avian genetics, 223-255, 1987 | 139 | 1987 |
What to eat now? Shifts in polar bear diet during the ice‐free season in western Hudson Bay LJ Gormezano, RF Rockwell Ecology and evolution 3 (10), 3509-3523, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies JA Mills, C Teplitsky, B Arroyo, A Charmantier, PH Becker, TR Birkhead, ... Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30 (10), 581-589, 2015 | 128 | 2015 |
Age and reproductive success in female lesser snow geese: experience, senescence and the cost of philopatry RF Rockwell, EG Cooch, CB Thompson, F Cooke Journal of Animal Ecology, 323-333, 1993 | 123 | 1993 |
Relative effects of survival and reproduction on the population dynamics of emperor geese JA Schmutz, RF Rockwell, MR Petersen The Journal of wildlife management, 191-201, 1997 | 119 | 1997 |
The embarrassment of riches: agricultural food subsidies, high goose numbers, and loss of Arctic wetlands a continuing saga RL Jefferies, RF Rockwell, KF Abraham Environmental Reviews 11 (4), 193-232, 2003 | 116 | 2003 |
Long-term decline in fecundity in a snow goose population: evidence for density dependence? EG Cooch, DB Lank, RF Rockwell, F Cooke The Journal of Animal Ecology, 711-726, 1989 | 115 | 1989 |
NATAL AND BREEDING PHILOPATRY IN A BLACK BRANT, BRANTA BERNICLA NIGRICANS, METAPOPULATION MS Lindberg, JS Sedinger, DV Derksen, RF Rockwell Ecology 79 (6), 1893-1904, 1998 | 111 | 1998 |