Priscilla de Paula Loiola
Priscilla de Paula Loiola
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Invaders among locals: Alien species decrease phylogenetic and functional diversity while increasing dissimilarity among native community members
PP Loiola, F de Bello, M Chytrý, L Götzenberger, CP Carmona, P Pyšek, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (6), 2230-2241, 2018
The role of fire in structuring trait variability in Neotropical savannas
VL Dantas, JG Pausas, MA Batalha, P Paula Loiola, MV Cianciaruso
Oecologia 171, 487-494, 2013
Functional diversity of herbaceous species under different fire frequencies in Brazilian savannas
P de Paula Loiola, MV Cianciaruso, IA Silva, MA Batalha
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 205 (10), 674-681, 2010
Os efeitos dos regimes de fogo sobre a vegetação de Cerrado no Parque Nacional das Emas, GO: considerações para a conservação da diversidade
DM Silva, P de Paula Loiola, NB Rosatti, IA Silva, MV Cianciaruso, ...
Biodiversidade Brasileira 1 (2), 26-39, 2011
Top 10 indicators for evaluating restoration trajectories in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
RE de Oliveira, VL Engel, P de Paula Loiola, LFD de Moraes, ...
Ecological Indicators 127, 107652, 2021
The role of environmental filters and functional traits in predicting the root biomass and productivity in savannas and tropical seasonal forests
PP Loiola, M Scherer-Lorenzen, MA Batalha
Forest Ecology and Management 342, 49-55, 2015
Pollination in the campo rupestre: a test of hypothesis for an ancient tropical mountain vegetation
BL Monteiro, MGG Camargo, PDP Loiola, DW Carstensen, S Gustafsson, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133 (2), 512-530, 2021
Underdispersion of anti‐herbivore defence traits and phylogenetic structure of cerrado tree species at fine spatial scale
PP Loiola, IA Silva, DM Silva, MA Batalha
Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (6), 1095-1104, 2012
Techniques for seedling production of two native grasses: new perspectives for Brazilian Cerrado restoration
ACC de Oliveira, VA Forti, P de Paula Loiola, RAG Viani
Restoration Ecology 28 (2), 297-303, 2020
Herbaceous and shrubby species co-occurrences in Brazilian savannas: the roles of fire and chance
IA Silva, GH Carvalho, PP Loiola, MV Cianciaruso, MA Batalha
Community Ecology 11, 97-104, 2010
Disentangling the roles of resource availability and disturbance in fine and coarse root biomass in savanna
PP Loiola, GH Carvalho, MA Batalha
Austral Ecology 41 (3), 255-262, 2016
Organic residues from agricultural and forest companies in Brazil as useful substrates for cultivation of the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus
MCNA V. Viriato, M.R. Mäkelä, J.E. Kowalczyk, C.S. Ballarin, P.P. Loiola
Letters in Applied Microbiology 74 (1), 44, 2021
Trait interactions effects on tropical tree demography depend on the environmental context
VA Kamimura, PP Loiola, CP Carmona, MA Assis, CA Joly, FAM Santos, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 59, 125732, 2023
Family legacy: contrasting diversity–elevation relationships on a coastal Atlantic Forest mountain system
V de Andrade Kamimura, GM Marcusso, GP Sabino, MA Assis, CA Joly, ...
Plant Ecology 223 (8), 977-993, 2022
Shared-role of vegetation types, elevation and soil affecting plant diversity in an old-tropical mountain hotspot
PP Loiola, LPC Morellato, MGG Camargo, VA Kamimura, JS Mattos, ...
Journal of Mountain Science 20 (7), 1842-1853, 2023
Impact of invasion plant management on soil activity and litter decomposition in a tropical forest restoration
PA Parré, FM, Loiola, PP, Ballarin, CS, Monquero
Restoration Ecology 31 (5), e13906, 2023
Effects of temporary agroforestry systems and weeding techniques on the control of invasive species in Atlantic Forest restoration
A Rezende, P de Paula Loiola, AS Penha, MMA Oliveira, PA Monquero
Australian Journal of Crop Science 16 (6), 838-845, 2022
A case of gender equality: absence of sex-related costs in a dioecious tropical forest tree species
VF Martins, RLB Bispo, P de Paula Loiola
Plant Ecology 222, 275-288, 2021
Biomassa e produtividade subterrânea no cerrado: relações com solo, topografia e fogo
PP Loiola
Unveiling anthropogenic disturbance effects on tropical tree communities: clade-based insights across elevations
VA Kamimura, F Pinheiro, DRM Neves, GM Marcusso, GP Sabino, ...
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