Sertan Kabadayi
Sertan Kabadayi
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Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda
RN Bolton, A Parasuraman, A Hoefnagels, N Migchels, S Kabadayi, ...
Journal of service management 24 (3), 245-267, 2013
Financial well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda
EC Brüggen, J Hogreve, M Holmlund, S Kabadayi, M Löfgren
Journal of business research 79, 228-237, 2017
Consumer–brand engagement on Facebook: liking and commenting behaviors
S Kabadayi, K Price
Journal of research in interactive marketing 8 (3), 203-223, 2014
Customer engagement in a big data world
W Kunz, L Aksoy, Y Bart, K Heinonen, S Kabadayi, FV Ordenes, M Sigala, ...
Journal of Services Marketing 31 (2), 161-171, 2017
The influence of social distancing on employee well-being: a conceptual framework and research agenda
S Tuzovic, S Kabadayi
Journal of Service Management 32 (2), 145-160, 2021
The performance implications of designing multiple channels to fit with strategy and environment
S Kabadayi, N Eyuboglu, GP Thomas
Journal of marketing 71 (4), 195-211, 2007
Smart service experience in hospitality and tourism services: A conceptualization and future research agenda
S Kabadayi, F Ali, H Choi, H Joosten, C Lu
Journal of Service Management 30 (3), 326-348, 2019
The impact of coronavirus on service ecosystems as service mega-disruptions
S Kabadayi, GE O’Connor, S Tuzovic
Journal of Services Marketing 34 (6), 809-817, 2020
Made in China but sold at FAO Schwarz: country‐of‐origin effect and trusting beliefs
S Kabadayi, D Lerman
International marketing review 28 (1), 102-126, 2011
Transformative service research, service design, and social entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary framework advancing wellbeing and social impact
L Alkire, C Mooney, FA Gur, S Kabadayi, M Renko, J Vink
Journal of Service Management 31 (1), 24-50, 2020
The relationship between trusting beliefs and web site loyalty: the moderating role of consumer motives and flow
R Gupta, S Kabadayi
Psychology & Marketing 27 (2), 166-185, 2010
Transformative service initiatives: enabling access and overcoming barriers for people experiencing vulnerability
S Boenigk, AA Kreimer, A Becker, L Alkire, RP Fisk, S Kabadayi
Journal of Service Research 24 (4), 542-562, 2021
Managing motives and design to influence web site revisits
S Kabadayi, R Gupta
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 5 (2/3), 153-169, 2011
Choosing the right multiple channel system to minimize transaction costs
S Kabadayi
Industrial Marketing Management 40 (5), 763-773, 2011
Rethinking service systems and public policy: a transformative refugee service experience framework
S Boenigk, R Fisk, S Kabadayi, L Alkire, L Cheung, C Corus, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40 (2), 165-183, 2021
Website loyalty: an empirical investigation of its antecedents
S Kabadayi, R Gupta
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 2 (4), 321-345, 2005
To dine or not to dine? Collective wellbeing in hospitality in the COVID-19 era
S Tuzovic, S Kabadayi, S Paluch
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102892, 2021
Customers’ dissatisfaction with banking channels and their intention to leave banks: The moderating effect of trust and trusting beliefs
S Kabadayi
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 21 (3), 194-208, 2016
Examining antecedents of health insurance literacy: The role of locus of control, cognitive style, and financial knowledge
GE O'Connor, S Kabadayi
Journal of Consumer Affairs 54 (1), 227-260, 2020
Service delivery system design for risk management in sharing-based product service systems: a customer-oriented approach
S Hazée, Y Van Vaerenbergh, C Delcourt, S Kabadayi
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 40 (4), 459-479, 2020
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