Xiaozhou Liao
Xiaozhou Liao
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sydney
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe sydney.edu.au - Pagina de pornire
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Deformation twinning in nanocrystalline materials
YT Zhu, XZ Liao, XL Wu
Progress in Materials Science 57 (1), 1-62, 2012
Ultrahigh piezoelectricity in ferroelectric ceramics by design
F Li, D Lin, Z Chen, Z Cheng, J Wang, CC Li, Z Xu, Q Huang, X Liao, ...
Nature materials 17 (4), 349-354, 2018
Microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained 7075 Al alloy processed by ECAP and their evolutions during annealing
YH Zhao, XZ Liao, Z Jin, RZ Valiev, YT Zhu
Acta Materialia 52 (15), 4589-4599, 2004
Simultaneously increasing the ductility and strength of nanostructured alloys
YH Zhao, XZ Liao, S Cheng, E Ma, YT Zhu
Advanced Materials 18 (17), 2280-2283, 2006
Ultralong single-wall carbon nanotubes
LX Zheng, MJ O'connell, SK Doorn, XZ Liao, YH Zhao, EA Akhadov, ...
Nature materials 3 (10), 673-676, 2004
Nanostructural hierarchy increases the strength of aluminium alloys
PV Liddicoat, XZ Liao, Y Zhao, Y Zhu, MY Murashkin, EJ Lavernia, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 63, 2010
Nanostructured metals: Retaining ductility
YT Zhu, X Liao
Nature materials 3 (6), 351-352, 2004
Corrosion resistance of ultra fine-grained Ti
A Balyanov, J Kutnyakova, NA Amirkhanova, VV Stolyarov, RZ Valiev, ...
Scripta Materialia 51 (3), 225-229, 2004
Hierarchical microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of a CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy additively manufactured by selective laser melting
ZG Zhu, QB Nguyen, FL Ng, XH An, XZ Liao, PK Liaw, SML Nai, J Wei
Scripta Materialia 154, 20-24, 2018
Ultrastrong, Stiff, and Lightweight Carbon‐Nanotube Fibers
X Zhang, Q Li, TG Holesinger, PN Arendt, J Huang, PD Kirven, TG Clapp, ...
Advanced Materials 19 (23), 4198-4201, 2007
Structural evolutions of metallic materials processed by severe plastic deformation
Y Cao, S Ni, X Liao, M Song, Y Zhu
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 133, 1-59, 2018
Deformation twinning in nanocrystalline copper at room temperature and low strain rate
XZ Liao, YH Zhao, SG Srinivasan, YT Zhu, RZ Valiev, DV Gunderov
Applied physics letters 84 (4), 592-594, 2004
Deformation mechanism in nanocrystalline Al: Partial dislocation slip
XZ Liao, F Zhou, EJ Lavernia, SG Srinivasan, MI Baskes, DW He, YT Zhu
Applied physics letters 83 (4), 632-634, 2003
Microstructure of cryogenic treated M2 tool steel
JY Huang, YT Zhu, XZ Liao, IJ Beyerlein, MA Bourke, TE Mitchell
Materials Science and Engineering: A 339 (1-2), 241-244, 2003
Simultaneously Increasing the Ductility and Strength of Ultra‐Fine‐Grained Pure Copper
YH Zhao, JF Bingert, XZ Liao, BZ Cui, K Han, AV Sergueeva, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (22), 2949-2953, 2006
Deformation twins in nanocrystalline Al
XZ Liao, F Zhou, EJ Lavernia, DW He, YT Zhu
Applied physics letters 83 (24), 5062-5064, 2003
Constructing phase boundary in AgNbO3 antiferroelectrics: pathway simultaneously achieving high energy density and efficiency
N Luo, K Han, MJ Cabral, X Liao, S Zhang, C Liao, G Zhang, X Chen, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4824, 2020
Dislocation–twin interactions in nanocrystalline fcc metals
YT Zhu, XL Wu, XZ Liao, J Narayan, LJ Kecskés, SN Mathaudhu
Acta Materialia 59 (2), 812-821, 2011
Tailoring stacking fault energy for high ductility and high strength in ultrafine grained Cu and its alloy
YH Zhao, YT Zhu, XZ Liao, Z Horita, TG Langdon
Applied physics letters 89 (12), 2006
Microstructural evolution during recovery and recrystallization of a nanocrystalline Al-Mg alloy prepared by cryogenic ball milling
F Zhou, XZ Liao, YT Zhu, S Dallek, EJ Lavernia
Acta materialia 51 (10), 2777-2791, 2003
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