Oceanographic habitats of two sympatric North Pacific albatrosses during the breeding season KD Hyrenbach, P Fernández, DJ Anderson Marine ecology progress series 233, 283-301, 2002 | 301 | 2002 |
The origin and diversification of Galapagos mockingbirds BS Arbogast, SV Drovetski, RL Curry, PT Boag, G Seutin, PR Grant, ... Evolution 60 (2), 370-382, 2006 | 216 | 2006 |
Comparison of light-and SST-based geolocation with satellite telemetry in free-ranging albatrosses SA Shaffer, Y Tremblay, JA Awkerman, RW Henry, SLH Teo, DJ Anderson, ... Marine Biology 147, 833-843, 2005 | 196 | 2005 |
Sexual size dimorphism and food requirements of nestling birds DJ Anderson, J Reeve, JEM Gomez, WW Weathers, S Hutson, ... Canadian Journal of Zoology 71 (12), 2541-2545, 1993 | 174 | 1993 |
Predictors of juvenile survival in birds TJ Maness, DJ Anderson Ornithological Monographs 78 (1), 1-55, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
Foraging destinations of three low-latitude albatross (Phoebastria) species P Fernández, DJ Anderson, PR Sievert, KP Huyvaert Journal of Zoology 254 (3), 391-404, 2001 | 155 | 2001 |
Differential responses of boobies and other seabirds in the Galápagos to the 1986-87 El Nino-Southern Oscillation event. DJ Anderson Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 52 (3), 209-216, 1989 | 155 | 1989 |
Evolution of obligate siblicide in boobies. 1. A test of the insurance-egg hypothesis DJ Anderson The American Naturalist 135 (3), 334-350, 1990 | 148 | 1990 |
Sexually dimorphic eggs, nestling growth and sibling competition in American Kestrels Falco sparverius DJ Anderson, J Reeve, DM Bird Functional Ecology 11 (3), 331-335, 1997 | 144 | 1997 |
Radio-tracking masked and blue-footed boobies (Sula spp.) in the Galapagos Islands DJ Anderson, RE Ricklefs | 117 | 1987 |
Phylogeny and evolution of the Sulidae (Aves: Pelecaniformes): a test of alternative modes of speciation VL Friesen, DJ Anderson Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 7 (2), 252-260, 1997 | 115 | 1997 |
Prey size influences female competitive dominance in nestling American kestrels (Falco sparverius) DJ Anderson, C Budde, V Apanius, JEM Gomez, DM Bird, WW Weathers Ecology 74 (2), 367-376, 1993 | 109 | 1993 |
Food limitation explains most clutch size variation in the Nazca booby LD Clifford, DJ Anderson Journal of Animal Ecology, 539-545, 2001 | 103 | 2001 |
Wind, waves, and wing loading: morphological specialization may limit range expansion of endangered albatrosses RM Suryan, DJ Anderson, SA Shaffer, DD Roby, Y Tremblay, DP Costa, ... PLoS One 3 (12), e4016, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |
Diel changes in plasma melatonin and corticosterone concentrations in tropical Nazca boobies (Sula granti) in relation to moon phase and age EM Tarlow, M Hau, DJ Anderson, M Wikelski General and comparative endocrinology 133 (3), 297-304, 2003 | 98 | 2003 |
Incidental and intentional catch threatens Galapagos waved albatross JA Awkerman, KP Huyvaert, J Mangel, JA Shigueto, DJ Anderson Biological conservation 133 (4), 483-489, 2006 | 95 | 2006 |
Predator behavior favors clumped nesting in an oceanic seabird DJ Anderson, PJ Hodum Ecology 74 (8), 2462-2464, 1993 | 92 | 1993 |
Brood size and food provisioning in masked and blue‐footed boobies (Sula spp.) DJ Anderson, RE Ricklefs Ecology 73 (4), 1363-1374, 1992 | 91 | 1992 |
Albatross species demonstrate regional differences in North Pacific marine contamination M Finkelstein, BS Keitt, DA Croll, B Tershy, WM Jarman, ... Ecological Applications 16 (2), 678-686, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
Use of marine sanctuaries by far‐ranging predators: commuting flights to the California Current System by breeding Hawaiian albatrosses KD Hyrenbach, C Keiper, SG Allen, DG Ainley, DJ Anderson Fisheries Oceanography 15 (2), 95-103, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |