Xiaofeng Qian
Xiaofeng Qian
Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University
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Citat de
Quantum spin Hall effect in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides
X Qian, J Liu, L Fu, J Li
Science 346, 1344-1347, 2014
Strain-engineered artificial atom as a broad-spectrum solar energy funnel
J Feng, X Qian, CW Huang, J Li
Nature Photonics 6, 866-872, 2012
Optoelectronic crystal of artificial atoms in strain-textured molybdenum disulphide
H Li, AW Contryman, X Qian, SM Ardakani, Y Gong, X Wang, JM Weisse, ...
Nature Communications 6, 7381, 2015
Phase transitions in 2D materials
W Li, X Qian, J Li
Nature Reviews Materials 6, 829–846, 2021
Fast kinetics of magnesium monochloride cations in interlayer-expanded titanium disulfide for magnesium rechargeable batteries
HD Yoo, Y Liang, H Dong, J Lin, H Wang, Y Liu, L Ma, T Wu, Y Li, Q Ru, ...
Nature Communications 8, 339, 2017
The joint automated repository for various integrated simulations (JARVIS) for data-driven materials design
K Choudhary, KF Garrity, ACE Reid, B DeCost, AJ Biacchi, ARH Walker, ...
npj Computational Materials 6, 173, 2020
Two-dimensional multiferroics in monolayer group IV monochalcogenides
H Wang, X Qian
2D Materials 4, 015042, 2017
Giant Optical Second Harmonic Generation in Two-Dimensional Multiferroics
H Wang, X Qian
Nano Letters 17, 5027-5034, 2017
Strain-Engineering of Band Gaps in Piezoelectric Boron Nitride Nanoribbons
J Qi, X Qian, L Qi, J Feng, D Shi, J Li
Nano Letters 12, 1224-1228, 2012
Berry curvature memory through electrically driven stacking transitions
J Xiao, Y Wang, H Wang, CD Pemmaraju, S Wang, P Muscher, EJ Sie, ...
Nature Physics 16, 1028-1034, 2020
Computing the viscosity of supercooled liquids
A Kushima, X Lin, J Li, J Eapen, JC Mauro, X Qian, P Diep, S Yip
Journal of Chemical Physics 130, 224504, 2009
Ripplocations in van der Waals layers
A Kushima, X Qian, P Zhao, S Zhang, J Li
Nano Letters 15, 1302-1308, 2015
Two-dimensional multiferroic semiconductors with coexisting ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism
J Qi, H Wang, X Chen, X Qian
Applied Physics Letters 113 (4), 043102, 2018
Imaging the Néel vector switching in the monolayer antiferromagnet MnPSe with strain-controlled Ising order
Z Ni, AV Haglund, H Wang, B Xu, C Bernhard, DG Mandrus, X Qian, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 16, 782–787, 2021
Lithiation-induced embrittlement of multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Y Liu, H Zheng, XH Liu, S Huang, T Zhu, J Wang, A Kushima, NS Hudak, ...
ACS Nano 5, 7245-7253, 2011
Patterning of graphene
J Feng, W Li, X Qian, J Qi, L Qi, J Li
Nanoscale 4, 4883-4899, 2012
Bandgap engineering of rippled MoS monolayer under external electric field
J Qi, X Li, X Qian, J Feng
Applied Physics Letters 102, 173112, 2013
In situ observation of random solid solution zone in LiFePO electrode
J Niu, A Kushima, X Qian, L Qi, K Xiang, YM Chiang, J Li
Nano Letters 14, 4005–4010, 2014
Artificial Intelligence for Science in Quantum, Atomistic, and Continuum Systems
X Zhang, L Wang, J Helwig, Y Luo, C Fu, Y Xie, M Liu, Y Lin, Z Xu, K Yan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.08423, 2023
Crystal Field Effect Induced Topological Crystalline Insulators In Monolayer IV-VI Semiconductors
J Liu, X Qian, L Fu
Nano Letters 15, 2657–2661, 2015
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