A unified hardware/software runtime environment for FPGA-based reconfigurable computers using BORPH HKH So, R Brodersen ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 7 (2), 1-28, 2008 | 309 | 2008 |
High-dimensional dense residual convolutional neural network for light field reconstruction N Meng, HKH So, X Sun, EY Lam IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43 (3), 873-886, 2019 | 141 | 2019 |
Dynamic Sparse Training: Find Efficient Sparse Network From Scratch With Trainable Masked Layers J Liu, Z Xu, R Shi, RCC Cheung, HKH So 2020 Eighth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 1-14, 2020 | 139 | 2020 |
Mix and match: A novel fpga-centric deep neural network quantization framework SE Chang, Y Li, M Sun, R Shi, HKH So, X Qian, Y Wang, X Lin 2021 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture …, 2021 | 118 | 2021 |
PACoGen: A hardware posit arithmetic core generator MK Jaiswal, HKH So IEEE access 7, 74586-74601, 2019 | 110 | 2019 |
Large-scale multi-class image-based cell classification with deep learning N Meng, EY Lam, KK Tsia, HKH So IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (5), 2091-2098, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |
Medical ultrasound imaging: To GPU or not to GPU? H So, J Chen, B Yiu, A Yu IEEE micro 31 (5), 54-65, 2011 | 108 | 2011 |
BORPH: An operating system for FPGA-based reconfigurable computers HKH So University of California, Berkeley, 2007 | 108 | 2007 |
PARC: ultrafast and accurate clustering of phenotypic data of millions of single cells SV Stassen, DMD Siu, KCM Lee, JWK Ho, HKH So, KK Tsia Bioinformatics 36 (9), 2778-2786, 2020 | 103 | 2020 |
Zero-configuration identity-based signcryption scheme for Smart Grid HKH So, SHM Kwok, EY Lam, KS Lui Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2010 First IEEE International …, 2010 | 93 | 2010 |
Improving usability of FPGA-based reconfigurable computers through operating system support HKH So, RW Brodersen 2006 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 1-6, 2006 | 87 | 2006 |
Quantitative phase imaging flow cytometry for ultra‐large‐scale single‐cell biophysical phenotyping KCM Lee, M Wang, KSE Cheah, GCF Chan, HKH So, KKY Wong, KK Tsia Cytometry Part A 95 (5), 510-520, 2019 | 84 | 2019 |
Design space exploration for sparse matrix‐matrix multiplication on FPGAs CY Lin, N Wong, HKH So International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 41 (2), 205-219, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Map-reduce processing of k-means algorithm with FPGA-accelerated computer cluster YM Choi, HKH So 2014 IEEE 25th international conference on application-specific systems …, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
QuickDough: A rapid FPGA loop accelerator design framework using soft CGRA overlay C Liu, HC Ng, HKH So 2015 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT), 56-63, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Fringe pattern improvement and super-resolution using deep learning in digital holography Z Ren, HKH So, EY Lam IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 15 (11), 6179-6186, 2019 | 66 | 2019 |
High-throughput time-stretch imaging flow cytometry for multi-class classification of phytoplankton QTK Lai, KCM Lee, AHL Tang, KKY Wong, HKH So, KK Tsia Optics express 24 (25), 28170-28184, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Universal number posit arithmetic generator on FPGA MK Jaiswal, HKH So 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2018 | 61 | 2018 |
Architecture generator for type-3 unum posit adder/subtractor MK Jaiswal, HKH So 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2018 | 56 | 2018 |
UE-TCAM: an ultra efficient SRAM-based TCAM Z Ullah, MK Jaiswal, RCC Cheung, HKH So TENCON 2015-2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2015 | 55 | 2015 |