Jie Lin
Jie Lin
Unknown affiliation
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Towards Detection of Bus Driver Fatigue Based on Robust Visual Analysis of Eye State
B Mandal, L Li, GS Wang, J Lin
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (3), 545-557, 2017
Towards the alexnet moment for homomorphic encryption: Hcnn, the first homomorphic cnn on encrypted data with gpus
A Al Badawi, C Jin, J Lin, CF Mun, SJ Jie, BHM Tan, X Nan, KMM Aung, ...
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 9 (3), 1330-1343, 2020
A* 3D Dataset: Towards autonomous driving in challenging environments
QH Pham, P Sevestre, RS Pahwa, H Zhan, CH Pang, Y Chen, A Mustafa, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2267-2273, 2020
Overview of the MPEG-CDVS standard
LY Duan, V Chandrasekhar, J Chen, J Lin, Z Wang, T Huang, B Girod, ...
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (1), 179-194, 2015
Unsupervised contrastive cross-modal hashing
P Hu, H Zhu, J Lin, D Peng, YP Zhao, X Peng
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (3), 3877-3889, 2022
Object detection meets knowledge graphs
Y Fang, K Kuan, J Lin, C Tan, V Chandrasekhar
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Deep learning for lung cancer detection: tackling the kaggle data science bowl 2017 challenge
K Kuan, M Ravaut, G Manek, H Chen, J Lin, B Nazir, C Chen, TC Howe, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.09435, 2017
Learning cross-modal retrieval with noisy labels
P Hu, X Peng, H Zhu, L Zhen, J Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Compact descriptors for video analysis: the emerging mpeg standard
LY Duan, V Chandrasekhar, S Wang, Y Lou, J Lin, Y Bai, T Huang, ...
IEEE MultiMedia, 2018
Real-time rail head surface defect detection: A geometrical approach
L Jie, L Siwei, L Qingyong, Z Hanqing, R Shengwei
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 769-774, 2009
On representation knowledge distillation for graph neural networks
CK Joshi, F Liu, X Xun, J Lin, CS Foo
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022
A practical guide to CNNs and Fisher Vectors for image instance retrieval
V Chandrasekhar, J Lin, O Morere, H Goh, A Veillard
Signal Processing 128, 426-439, 2016
Opq: Compressing deep neural networks with one-shot pruning-quantization
P Hu, X Peng, H Zhu, MMS Aly, J Lin
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (9), 7780-7788, 2021
Multi-GPU design and performance evaluation of homomorphic encryption on GPU clusters
A Al Badawi, B Veeravalli, J Lin, N Xiao, M Kazuaki, AKM Mi
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (2), 379-391, 2020
Compact descriptors for visual search
LY Duan, J Lin, J Chen, T Huang, W Gao
IEEE MultiMedia 21 (3), 30-40, 2014
-FKG: Attentive Attribute-Aware Fashion Knowledge Graph for Outfit Preference Prediction
H Zhan, J Lin, KE Ak, B Shi, LY Duan, AC Kot
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 819-831, 2021
Hnip: Compact deep invariant representations for video matching, localization, and retrieval
J Lin, LY Duan, S Wang, Y Bai, Y Lou, V Chandrasekhar, T Huang, A Kot, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (9), 1968-1983, 2017
Egocentric activity recognition with multimodal fisher vector
S Song, NM Cheung, V Chandrasekhar, B Mandal, J Liri
2016 IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Weighted component hashing of binary aggregated descriptors for fast visual search
LY Duan, J Lin, Z Wang, T Huang, W Gao
IEEE Transactions on multimedia 17 (6), 828-842, 2015
Compact descriptors for mobile visual search and MPEG CDVS standardization
LY Duan, F Gao, J Chen, J Lin, T Huang
2013 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), 885-888, 2013
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