Bayu Taruna Widjaja putra
Bayu Taruna Widjaja putra
Full Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Jember University
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Citat de
Citat de
Enhanced broadband greenness in assessing Chlorophyll a and b, Carotenoid, and Nitrogen in Robusta coffee plantations using a digital camera
BT Widjaja Putra, P Soni
Precision Agriculture, 1-19, 2018
Evaluating NIR-Red and NIR-Red edge external filters with digital cameras for assessing vegetation indices under different illumination
BTW Putra, P Soni
Infrared Physics & Technology 81, 148-156, 2017
Using Information from Images for Plantation Monitoring: A Review of Solutions for Smallholders
BTW Putra, P Soni, B Marhaenanto, Pujiyanto, SS Harsono, S Fountas
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2019
The Evaluation of Deep Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Approach for Identifying Arabica and Robusta Coffee Plants
BTW Putra, R Amirudin, B Marhaenanto
Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 1-12, 2022
Improving nitrogen assessment with an RGB camera across uncertain natural light from above-canopy measurements
P Bayu Taruna Widjaja, S Peeyush
Precision Agriculture, 2019
Estimating biophysical properties of coffee (Coffea canephora) plants with above-canopy field measurements, using CropSpec®
BT Widjaja Putra, P Soni, E Morimoto, Pujiyanto
International Agrophysics 32 (2), 183-191, 2018
New low-cost portable sensing system integrated with on-the-go fertilizer application system for plantation crops
BTWI Putra
Measurement, 2020
The use of computer vision to estimate tree diameter and circumference in homogeneous and production forests using a non-contact method
BTW Putra, NJ Ramadhani, DW Soedibyo, B Marhaenanto, I Indarto, ...
Forest Science and Technology 17 (1), 32-38, 2021
Embedded system in handheld water turbidity meter for smallholders
BTW Putra, LA Rocelline, WNH Syahputra
Microprocessors and Microsystems 93, 104603, 2022
Comprehensive measurement and evaluation of modern paddy cultivation with a hydroganics system under different nutrient regimes using WSN and ground-based remote sensing
BTW Putra, WNH Syahputra, K Anam, T Darmawan, B Marhaenanto
Measurement 178, 109420, 2021
Dataset of chlorophyll content estimation of Coffea Canephora using Red and Near-Infrared consumer-grade camera
BTW Putra, P Soni
Data in brief 21, 736-741, 2018
Development of a Handheld IoT-Based Fruit Harvester to support Agrotourism
BTW Putra, KS Indracahyana, B Al Fanshuri
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 104550, 2022
Evaluating in-situ maize chlorophyll content using an external optical sensing system coupled with conventional statistics and deep neural networks
BTW Putra, HC Wirayuda, WNH Syahputra, E Prastowo
Measurement 189, 110482, 2022
A New low-cost sensing system for rapid ring estimation of woody plants to support tree management
BTW Putra
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2019
Sosialisasi Precision Farming untuk Monitoring Tanaman Perkebunan dan Hortikultura Kabupaten Jember
BTW Putra
Warta Pengabdian 14 (4), 231-239, 2020
Using Sentinel-2A to identify the change in dry marginal agricultural land occupation
I Indarto, BTW Putra, M Mandala
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2020
Sisbudi Harsono and S. Fountas," Using information from images for plantation monitoring: A review of solutions for smallholders
B Putra, P Soni, B Marhaenanto, S Pujiyanto
Information Processing in Agriculture 7 (1), 109-119, 2020
An investigation of copper chlorophyllin solution for low-cost optical devices calibration in chlorophyll measurement
BTW Putra, RS Purwoko, I Indarto, P Soni
International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 10, 10, 2019
Preliminary Study on the use of Sentinel-2A Image for Mapping of Dry Marginal Agricultural Land
SN Kholifah, M Mandala, I Indarto, BTW Putra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 515 (1), 012002, 2020
Pengenalan Drone
Fakultas Teknik Pertanian UNEJ, 0
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