Thomas Brunner
Thomas Brunner
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mcgill.ca
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Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in with EXO-200
M Auger, DJ Auty, PS Barbeau, E Beauchamp, V Belov, ...
Physical review letters 109 (3), 032505, 2012
Search for Majorana neutrinos with the first two years of EXO-200 data
Nature 510 (7504), 229-234, 2014
Search for Neutrinoless Double- Decay with the Complete EXO-200 Dataset
G Anton, I Badhrees, PS Barbeau, D Beck, V Belov, T Bhatta, ...
Physical review letters 123 (16), 161802, 2019
Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay with the upgraded EXO-200 detector
JB Albert, G Anton, I Badhrees, PS Barbeau, R Bayerlein, D Beck, V Belov, ...
Physical review letters 120 (7), 072701, 2018
Improved measurement of the half-life of Xe with the EXO-200 detector
JB Albert, M Auger, DJ Auty, PS Barbeau, E Beauchamp, D Beck, V Belov, ...
Physical Review C 89 (1), 015502, 2014
Sensitivity and discovery potential of the proposed nEXO experiment to neutrinoless double- decay
JB Albert, G Anton, IJ Arnquist, I Badhrees, P Barbeau, D Beck, V Belov, ...
Physical Review C 97 (6), 065503, 2018
First Penning-Trap Mass Measurement of the Exotic Halo Nucleus Li 11
M Smith, M Brodeur, T Brunner, S Ettenauer, A Lapierre, R Ringle, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (20), 202501, 2008
nEXO: neutrinoless double beta decay search beyond 1028 year half-life sensitivity
G Adhikari, S Al Kharusi, E Angelico, G Anton, IJ Arnquist, I Badhrees, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 49 (1), 015104, 2021
New Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Calcium and Potassium Isotopes<? format?> and Three-Nucleon Forces
AT Gallant, JC Bale, T Brunner, U Chowdhury, S Ettenauer, A Lennarz, ...
Physical review letters 109 (3), 032506, 2012
SNEWS 2.0: a next-generation supernova early warning system for multi-messenger astronomy
S Al Kharusi, SY BenZvi, JS Bobowski, W Bonivento, V Brdar, T Brunner, ...
New Journal of Physics 23 (3), 031201, 2021
TITAN's digital RFQ ion beam cooler and buncher, operation and performance
T Brunner, MJ Smith, M Brodeur, S Ettenauer, AT Gallant, VV Simon, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
First Direct Mass Measurement of the Two-Neutron Halo Nucleus <?format ?>and Improved Mass for the Four-Neutron Halo
M Brodeur, T Brunner, C Champagne, S Ettenauer, MJ Smith, A Lapierre, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (5), 052504, 2012
MATS and LaSpec: High-precision experiments using ion traps and lasers at FAIR
D Rodríguez, K Blaum, W Nörtershäuser, M Ahammed, A Algora, G Audi, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 183, 1-123, 2010
Dawning of the Shell Closure Seen through Precision Mass Measurements of Neutron-Rich Titanium Isotopes
E Leistenschneider, MP Reiter, S Ayet San Andrés, B Kootte, JD Holt, ...
Physical review letters 120 (6), 062503, 2018
The TITAN EBIT charge breeder for mass measurements on highly charged short-lived isotopes—First online operation
A Lapierre, M Brodeur, T Brunner, S Ettenauer, AT Gallant, V Simon, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010
Status and perspectives of neutrino physics
MS Athar, SW Barwick, T Brunner, J Cao, M Danilov, K Inoue, T Kajita, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 124, 103947, 2022
Measurement of the drift velocity and transverse diffusion of electrons in liquid xenon with the EXO-200 detector
JB Albert, PS Barbeau, D Beck, V Belov, M Breidenbach, T Brunner, ...
Physical Review C 95 (2), 025502, 2017
First Use of High Charge States for Mass Measurements<? format?> of Short-Lived Nuclides in a Penning Trap
S Ettenauer, MC Simon, AT Gallant, T Brunner, U Chowdhury, VV Simon, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (27), 272501, 2011
nEXO pre-conceptual design report
SA Kharusi, A Alamre, JB Albert, M Alfaris, G Anton, IJ Arnquist, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.11142, 2018
Measurements of the ion fraction and mobility of and -decay products in liquid xenon using the EXO-200 detector
JB Albert, DJ Auty, PS Barbeau, D Beck, V Belov, M Breidenbach, ...
Physical Review C 92 (4), 045504, 2015
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