Fabio Morreale
Fabio Morreale
Staff Research Scientist, Sony AI
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Citat de
Design for Longevity: Ongoing Use of Instruments from NIME 2010-14
F Morreale, A McPherson
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2017
Building a maker community around an open hardware platform
F Morreale, G Moro, A Chamberlain, S Benford, AP McPherson
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Musical Interface Design: An Experience-oriented Framework
F Morreale, A De Angeli, S O’Modhrain
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2014
NIME Identity from the Performer’s Perspective
F Morreale, AP McPherson, MM Wanderley
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2018
Musical instruments for novices: Comparing NIME, HCI and crowdfunding approaches
A McPherson, F Morreale, J Harrison
New directions in music and human-computer interaction, 179-212, 2019
A NIME of the Times: Developing an Outward-Looking Political Agenda For This Community
F Morreale, SMA Bin, AP McPherson, P Stapleton, MM Wanderley
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2020
Where does the buck stop? Ethical and political issues with AI in music creation
F Morreale
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval 4 …, 2021
Collaborative creativity: The music room
F Morreale, A De Angeli, R Masu, P Rota, N Conci
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 18, 1187-1199, 2014
A quality adaptive multimodal affect recognition system for user-centric multimedia indexing
R Gupta, M Khomami Abadi, JA Cárdenes Cabré, F Morreale, TH Falk, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on international conference on multimedia …, 2016
Democratising DMIs: the relationship of expertise and control intimacy
RH Jack, J Harrison, F Morreale, A McPherson
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2018
Robin: an algorithmic composer for interactive scenarios
F Morreale, R Masu, A De Angeli
Proceedings of SMC 2013, 10th, 2013
The effect of expertise in evaluating emotions in music
F Morreale, R Masu, A De Angeli, P Fava
The 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Jyväskylä, Finland …, 2013
When is a guitar not a guitar? cultural form, input modality and expertise
J Harrison, RH Jack, F Morreale, AP McPherson
Proceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical …, 2018
Evaluating visitor experiences with interactive art
F Morreale, A De Angeli
Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, 50-57, 2015
Magpick: an augmented guitar pick for nuanced control
F Morreale, A Guidi, A McPherson
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2019
ARCAA: A framework to analyse the artefact ecology in computer music performance
R Masu, M Bettega, NN Correia, T Romão, F Morreale
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive …, 2019
Making sense of sensors: Discovery through craft practice with an open-ended sensor material
C Nordmoen, J Armitage, F Morreale, R Stewart, A McPherson
Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 135-146, 2019
Sound forest/ljudskogen: A large-scale string-based interactive musical instrument
R Bresin, L Elblaus, E Frid, F Favero, L Annersten, D Berner, F Morreale
Sound and Music Computing 2016, 79-84, 2016
The unwitting labourer: extracting humanness in AI training
F Morreale, E Bahmanteymouri, B Burmester, A Chen, M Thorp
AI & SOCIETY 39 (5), 2389-2399, 2024
"My Library Has Just Been Obliterated": Producing New Norms of Use Via Software Update
F Morreale, M Eriksson
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
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