Reda E.A. Moghaieb
Reda E.A. Moghaieb
Professor of Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe agr.cu.edu.eg
Citat de
Citat de
Nitrogen nutrition and water stress effects on cell membrane stability and leaf water relations in Agrostis palustris Huds.
H Saneoka, REA Moghaieb, GS Premachandra, K Fujita
Environmental and Experimental Botany 52 (2), 131-138, 2004
Effect of salinity on osmotic adjustment, glycinebetaine accumulation and the betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene expression in two halophytic plants, Salicornia europaea and …
REA Moghaieb, H Saneoka, K Fujita
Plant science 166 (5), 1345-1349, 2004
Potassium deficiency affects water status and photosynthetic rate of the vegetative sink in green house tomato prior to its effects on source activity
S Kanai, RE Moghaieb, HA El-Shemy, R Panigrahi, PK Mohapatra, J Ito, ...
Plant science 180 (2), 368-374, 2011
Prospects of halophytes in understanding and managing abiotic stress tolerance
PS VH Lokhande
Adaptations and Stress Tolerance of Plants, 2012
Characterization of salt tolerance in ectoine‐transformed tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabaccum): photosynthesis, osmotic adjustment, and nitrogen partitioning
REA Moghaieb, N Tanaka, H Saneoka, Y Murooka, H Ono, H Morikawa, ...
Plant, cell & environment 29 (2), 173-182, 2006
Response of growth, photosynthetic gas exchange, translocation of 13C-labelled photosynthate and N accumulation in two soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill …
N Nakayama, H Saneoka, REA Moghaieb, GS Premachandra, K Fujita
Effect of salinity and abscisic acid on accumulation of glycinebetaine and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase mRNA in Sorghum leaves (Sorghum bicolor)
H Saneoka, S Ishiguro, REA Moghaieb
Journal of Plant Physiology 158 (7), 853-859, 2001
Plant nutrition for sustainable food production and environment
T Ando
Plant nutrition for sustainable food production and environment, 1997
Expression of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene in transgenic tomato hairy roots leads to the accumulation of glycine betaine and contributes to the maintenance of the …
REA Moghaieb, N Tanaka, H Saneoka, HA Hussein, SS Yousef, ...
Soil science and plant nutrition 46 (4), 873-883, 2000
Shoot regeneration from GUS-transformed tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) hairy root
REA Moghaieb, H Saneoka, K Fujita
Cellular and Molecular Biology 9, 439-449., 2004
Plant regeneration from hypocotyl and cotyledon explant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
REA Moghaieb, H Saneoka, K Fujita
Soil science and plant nutrition 45 (3), 639-646, 1999
A reproducible protocol for regeneration and transformation in canola (Brassica napus L.)
REA Moghaieb, MA El-Awady, RG El Mergawy, SS Youssef, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 5 (2), 143-148, 2006
Evaluation of salt tolerance in ectoine-transgenic tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) in terms of photosynthesis, osmotic adjustment, and carbon partitioning
REA Moghaieb, A Nakamura, H Saneoka, K Fujita
GM crops 2 (1), 58-65, 2011
Photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO< sub> 2</sub> is dependent on N partitioning and transpiration in soybean
K Kanemoto, PK Yamashita, Mohapatra, S Kanai, RE Moghaieb, J Ito, ...
Plant science 177 (5), 398-403, 2009
Effect of salinity stress on photosynthesis and vegetative sink in tobacco plants
R Suwa, NT Nguyen, H Saneoka, R Moghaieb, K Fujita
Soil science and plant nutrition 52 (2), 243-250, 2006
N-deficiency damps out circadian rhythmic changes of stem diameter dynamics in tomato plant
S Kanai, J Adu-Gymfi, K Lei, J Ito, K Ohkura, REA Moghaieb, H El-Shemy, ...
Plant science 174 (2), 183-191, 2008
Genetic diversity and sex determination in date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) based on DNA markers
REA Moghaieb, AA Abdel-Hadi, MRA Ahmed, AGM Hassan
Arab J Biotech 13 (2), 143-156, 2010
Use of positron-emitting tracer imaging system for measuring the effect of salinity on temporal and spatial distribution of 11C tracer and coupling between source and sink organs
R Suwa, S Fujimaki, N Suzui, N Kawachi, S Ishii, K Sakamoto, NT Nguyen, ...
Plant Science 175 (3), 210-216, 2008
RAPD markers associated with salt tolerance in two Acacia species (Acaica auriculiformis and Acacia mangium).
HSKF Nguyen Tran Nguyen, Reda E.A. Moghaieb
Plant Science 167, 797-805, 2004
Differences in the Growth and Physiological Responses of the Leaves of Peucedanum japonicum and Hordeum vulgare Exposed to Salinity
H Liu L, Nakamura Y, Taliman N. A., Sabagh A. E., Moghaieb R. E., Saneoka
Agriculture 10 (8), 317, 2020
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