Carey E. Priebe
Carey E. Priebe
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Johns Hopkins University
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Citat de
Citat de
Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex
N Kasthuri, KJ Hayworth, DR Berger, RL Schalek, JA Conchello, ...
Cell 162 (3), 648-661, 2015
The complete connectome of a learning and memory centre in an insect brain
K Eichler, F Li, A Litwin-Kumar, Y Park, I Andrade, CM Schneider-Mizell, ...
Nature 548 (7666), 175-182, 2017
Scan statistics on enron graphs
CE Priebe, JM Conroy, DJ Marchette, Y Park
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 11, 229-247, 2005
A consistent adjacency spectral embedding for stochastic blockmodel graphs
DL Sussman, M Tang, DE Fishkind, CE Priebe
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (499), 1119-1128, 2012
Statistical inference on random dot product graphs: a survey
A Athreya, DE Fishkind, M Tang, CE Priebe, Y Park, JT Vogelstein, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (226), 1-92, 2018
Comparative evaluation of pattern recognition techniques for detection of microcalcifications in mammography
KS Woods, CC Doss, KW Bowyer, JL Solka, CE Priebe, ...
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 7 …, 1993
{FlashGraph}: Processing {Billion-Node} graphs on an array of commodity {SSDs}
D Zheng, D Mhembere, R Burns, J Vogelstein, CE Priebe, AS Szalay
13th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 15), 45-58, 2015
Discovery of brainwide neural-behavioral maps via multiscale unsupervised structure learning
JT Vogelstein, Y Park, T Ohyama, RA Kerr, JW Truman, CE Priebe, ...
Science 344 (6182), 386-392, 2014
The connectome of an insect brain
M Winding, BD Pedigo, CL Barnes, HG Patsolic, Y Park, T Kazimiers, ...
Science 379 (6636), eadd9330, 2023
Fast approximate quadratic programming for graph matching
JT Vogelstein, JM Conroy, V Lyzinski, LJ Podrazik, SG Kratzer, ET Harley, ...
PLOS one 10 (4), e0121002, 2015
Adaptive mixtures
CE Priebe
Journal of the American Statistical Association 89 (427), 796-806, 1994
Random forests for photometric redshifts
S Carliles, T Budavári, S Heinis, C Priebe, AS Szalay
The Astrophysical Journal 712 (1), 511, 2010
Graph matching: Relax at your own risk
V Lyzinski, DE Fishkind, M Fiori, JT Vogelstein, CE Priebe, G Sapiro
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 38 (1), 60-73, 2015
The two-to-infinity norm and singular subspace geometry with applications to high-dimensional statistics
J Cape, M Tang, CE Priebe
Annals of Statistics 47 (5), 2405-2439, 2019
Community detection and classification in hierarchical stochastic blockmodels
V Lyzinski, M Tang, A Athreya, Y Park, CE Priebe
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 4 (1), 13-26, 2016
A statistical interpretation of spectral embedding: the generalised random dot product graph
P Rubin-Delanchy, J Cape, M Tang, CE Priebe
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2022
A semiparametric two-sample hypothesis testing problem for random graphs
M Tang, A Athreya, DL Sussman, V Lyzinski, Y Park, CE Priebe
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2), 344-354, 2017
Perfect clustering for stochastic blockmodel graphs via adjacency spectral embedding
V Lyzinski, DL Sussman, M Tang, A Athreya, CE Priebe
Electron. J. Statist. 8 (2), 2905-2922, 2014
Universally consistent vertex classification for latent positions graphs
M Tang, DL Sussman, CE Priebe
Annals of Statistics 41 (3), 1406-1430, 2013
A limit theorem for scaled eigenvectors of random dot product graphs
A Athreya, CE Priebe, M Tang, V Lyzinski, DJ Marchette, DL Sussman
Sankhya A 78, 1-18, 2016
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