Anh Phong Tran
Anh Phong Tran
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at MSKCC
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Citat de
Citat de
Improving model-based functional near-infrared spectroscopy analysis using mesh-based anatomical and light-transport models
AP Tran, S Yan, Q Fang
Neurophotonics 7 (1), 015008, 2020
Selective photobiomodulation for emotion regulation: model-based dosimetry study
P Cassano, AP Tran, H Katnani, BS Bleier, MR Hamblin, Y Yuan, Q Fang
Neurophotonics 6 (1), 015004, 2019
Delicate Balances in Cancer Chemotherapy: Modeling Immune Recruitment and Emergence of Systemic Drug Resistance
AP Tran, MA Al-Radhawi, I Kareva, J Wu, DJ Waxman, ED Sontag
Frontiers in Immunology 11, 1376, 2020
Dual-grid mesh-based Monte Carlo algorithm for efficient photon transport simulations in complex three-dimensional media
S Yan, AP Tran, Q Fang
Journal of Biomedical Optics 24 (2), 020503, 2019
Distributed Implementation of Boolean Functions by Transcriptional Synthetic Circuits
MA Al-Radhawi, AP Tran, E Ernst, T Chen, C Voigt, E Sontag
ACS Synthetic Biology 9 (8), 2172-2187, 2020
Modeling voxel-based Monte Carlo light transport with curved and oblique boundary surfaces
AP Tran, SL Jacques
Journal of Biomedical Optics 25 (2), 025001-025001, 2020
On the estimation of high-dimensional surrogate models of steady-state of plant-wide processes characteristics
AP Tran, C Georgakis
Computers & Chemical Engineering 116, 56-68, 2018
Long-term p21 and p53 dynamics regulate the frequency of mitosis events and cell cycle arrest following radiation damage
AP Tran, CJ Tralie, J Reyes, C Moosmüller, Z Belkhatir, IG Kevrekidis, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 30 (3), 660-672, 2023
Visualizing fluid flows via regularized optimal mass transport with applications to neuroscience
X Chen, AP Tran, R Elkin, H Benveniste, AR Tannenbaum
Journal of Scientific Computing 97 (2), 26, 2023
Multi-omic integrated curvature study on pan-cancer genomic data
J Zhu, AP Tran, JO Deasy, A Tannenbaum
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 36 (1), 101-120, 2024
A genome-wide association study of contralateral breast cancer in the Women’s Environmental Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Study
X Sun, AS Reiner, AP Tran, GP Watt, JH Oh, L Mellemkjær, CF Lynch, ...
Breast Cancer Research 26 (1), 16, 2024
Transient Diffusion in Bi-Layer Composites With Mass Transfer Resistance: Exact Solution and Time Lag Analysis
AP Tran, JH Meldon, ED Sontag
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 2, 605197, 2021
Decision Making by Heterogeneous Cell Populations: Immune-tumor Interactions Under Metronomic Chemotherapy and Distributed Computation in Synthetic Biology
AP Tran
Northeastern University, 2020
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