Jaeho Shin
Jaeho Shin
Evidently, Inc.
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cs.stanford.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Citat de
Incremental knowledge base construction using deepdive
J Shin, S Wu, F Wang, C De Sa, C Zhang, C Ré
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment International Conference on Very Large …, 2015
Distributed socialite: A datalog-based language for large-scale graph analysis
J Seo, J Park, J Shin, MS Lam
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (14), 1906-1917, 2013
Taming false alarms from a domain-unaware C analyzer by a bayesian statistical post analysis
Y Jung, J Kim, J Shin, K Yi
Static Analysis, 203-217, 2005
Deepdive: Declarative knowledge base construction
C De Sa, A Ratner, C Ré, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
ACM SIGMOD Record 45 (1), 60-67, 2016
DeepDive: Declarative knowledge base construction
C Zhang, C Ré, M Cafarella, C De Sa, A Ratner, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu
Communications of the ACM 60 (5), 93-102, 2017
Feature engineering for knowledge base construction
C Ré, AA Sadeghian, Z Shan, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.6439, 2014
Extracting databases from dark data with deepdive
C Zhang, J Shin, C Ré, M Cafarella, F Niu
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, 847-859, 2016
Incremental knowledge base construction using DeepDive
C De Sa, A Ratner, C Ré, J Shin, F Wang, S Wu, C Zhang
The VLDB Journal 26, 81-105, 2017
Data programming with ddlite: Putting humans in a different part of the loop
HR Ehrenberg, J Shin, AJ Ratner, JA Fries, C Ré
Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics, 1-6, 2016
Graft: A debugging tool for apache giraph
S Salihoglu, J Shin, V Khanna, BQ Truong, J Widom
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2015
Mindtagger: a demonstration of data labeling in knowledge base construction
J Shin, C Ré, M Cafarella
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment International Conference on Very Large …, 2015
3X: A Data Management System for Computational Experiments (Demonstration Proposal)
J Shin, A Paepcke, J Widom
Stanford InfoLab, 2013
An abstract interpretation with the interval domain for C-like programs
J Shin
Programming Research Lab,Seoul National University, 2006
Zhang С, Re С.(2015). Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive
J Shin, S Wu, F Wang, C De Sa
41 th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 8 (11), 0
Soundness by static analysis and false-alarm removal by statistical analysis: Our airac experience
Y Jung, J Kim, J Shin, K Yi
Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, 2005
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