Mary Tate
Mary Tate
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A descriptive literature review and classification of cloud computing research
H Yang, M Tate
Communications of the Association for Information systems 31 (1), 2, 2012
Assessing the predictive performance of structural equation model estimators
J Evermann, M Tate
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 4565-4582, 2016
Contextualizing the twin concepts of systematicity and transparency in information systems literature reviews
G Paré, M Tate, D Johnstone, S Kitsiou
European Journal of Information Systems 25 (6), 493-508, 2016
Beyond synthesis: Re-presenting heterogeneous research literature
A Sylvester, M Tate, D Johnstone
Behaviour & information technology 32 (12), 1199-1215, 2013
Social media ties strategy in international branding: An application of resource-based theory
H Gao, M Tate, H Zhang, S Chen, B Liang
Journal of International Marketing 26 (3), 45-69, 2018
Where are we at with cloud computing?: a descriptive literature review
H Yang, M Tate
An integrative literature review and empirical validation of motives for introducing shared services in government organizations
A Paagman, M Tate, E Furtmueller, J De Bloom
International journal of information management 35 (1), 110-123, 2015
An approach for selecting and using a method of inter-coder reliability in information management research
A Nili, M Tate, A Barros, D Johnstone
International Journal of Information Management 54, 102154, 2020
A framework and approach for analysis of focus group data in information systems research
A Nili, M Tate, D Johnstone
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 40, Article number …, 2017
Managing the “Fuzzy front end” of open digital service innovation in the public sector: A methodology
M Tate, I Bongiovanni, M Kowalkiewicz, P Townson
International Journal of Information Management 39, 186-198, 2018
A critical analysis of inter-coder reliability methods in information systems research
A Nili, M Tate, A Barros
Introduction to the special issue: The literature review in information systems
M Tate, E Furtmueller, J Evermann, W Bandara
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 37 (1), 5, 2015
Bringing human information behaviour into information systems research: an application of systems modelling
D Johnstone, M Bonner, M Tate
Information Research 9 (4), 9-4, 2004
An integrated framework for theories of individual attitudes toward technology
M Tate, J Evermann, G Gable
Information & Management 52 (6), 710-727, 2015
The transformational impact of blockchain technology on business models and ecosystems: A symbiosis of human and technology agents
S Schneider, M Leyer, M Tate
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 67 (4), 1184-1195, 2020
Managing recruitment and selection in the digital age: e-HRM and resumes
E Furtmueller, C Wilderom, M Tate
Human Systems Management 30 (4), 243-259, 2011
Chatbot-mediated public service delivery: A public service value-based framework
T Makasi, A Nili, K Desouza, M Tate
First Monday 25 (12), 2020
Small business in a small country: Attitudes to “Green” IT
P Coffey, M Tate, J Toland
Information Systems Frontiers 15, 761-778, 2013
Information systems success research: The “20-Year update?” Panel Report from PACIS, 2011
M Tate, D Sedera, E McLean, A Burton-Jones
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 34 (1), 63, 2014
A typology of chatbots in public service delivery
T Makasi, A Nili, KC Desouza, M Tate
IEEE Software 39 (3), 58-66, 2021
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