Prof. Ali Talebi
Prof. Ali Talebi
Prof. Dr. A. Talebi (Ph.D. in Hydrology (water Erosion))
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Producing a landslide inventory map using pixel-based and object-oriented approaches optimized by Taguchi method
V Moosavi, A Talebi, B Shirmohammadi
Geomorphology 204, 646-656, 2014
A steady‐state analytical slope stability model for complex hillslopes
A Talebi, PA Troch, R Uijlenhoet
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (4), 546-553, 2008
A wavelet-artificial intelligence fusion approach (WAIFA) for blending Landsat and MODIS surface temperature
V Moosavi, A Talebi, MH Mokhtari, SRF Shamsi, Y Niazi
Remote Sensing of Environment 169, 243-254, 2015
Studying the effect of rain water harvesting from roof surfaces on runoff and household consumption reduction
M Sepehri, H Malekinezhad, AR Ilderomi, A Talebi, SZ Hosseini
Sustainable Cities and Society 43, 317-324, 2018
Soil moisture storage and hillslope stability
A Talebi, R Uijlenhoet, PA Troch
Natural hazards and Earth System sciences 7 (5), 523-534, 2007
A low‐dimensional physically based model of hydrologic control of shallow landsliding on complex hillslopes
A Talebi, R Uijlenhoet, PA Troch
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
A steady-state saturation model to determine the subsurface travel time (STT) in complex hillslopes
T Sabzevari, A Talebi, R Ardakanian, A Shamsai
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14 (6), 891-900, 2010
Estimation of suspended sediment load using regression trees and model trees approaches (Case study: Hyderabad drainage basin in Iran)
A Talebi, J Mahjoobi, MT Dastorani, V Moosavi
ISH journal of Hydraulic Engineering 23 (2), 212-219, 2017
Groundwater quality assessment using artificial neural network: A case study of Bahabad plain, Yazd, Iran
Z Kheradpisheh, A Talebi, L Rafati, MT Ghaneian, MH Ehrampoush
Desert 20 (1), 65-71, 2015
Development of a hybrid wavelet packet-group method of data handling (WPGMDH) model for runoff forecasting
V Moosavi, A Talebi, MR Hadian
Water Resources Management 31, 43-59, 2017
Effect of natural land covers on runoff and soil loss at the hill-slope scale
M Eshghizadeh, A Talebi, MT Dastorani, HR Azimzadeh
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2 (2), 125, 2016
Effect of hillslope topography on soil erosion and sediment yield using USLE model
T Sabzevari, A Talebi
Acta Geophysica 67 (6), 1587-1597, 2019
Identification and analysis of drought propagation of groundwater during past and future periods
M Soleimani Motlagh, H Ghasemieh, A Talebi, K Abdollahi
Water resources management 31, 109-125, 2017
Estimation of spatially enhanced soil moisture combining remote sensing and artificial intelligence approaches
V Moosavi, A Talebi, MH Mokhtari, MR Hadian
International journal of remote sensing 37 (23), 5605-5631, 2016
Evaluation of the Change-factor and LARS-WG methods of downscaling for simulation of climatic variables in the future (Case study: Herat Azam Watershed, Yazd-Iran)
E Goodarzi, M Dastorani, A Talebi
Ecopersia 3 (1), 833-846, 2015
River instantaneous peak flow estimation using daily flow data and machine-learning-based models
MT Dastorani, JS Koochi, HS Darani, A Talebi, MH Rahimian
Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (4), 1089-1098, 2013
Determination of the ability of HEC-HMS model components in rainfall-run-off simulation
MT Dastorani, R Khodaparast, A Talebi, M Vafakhah, J Dashti
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 5 (10), 790, 2011
Evaluation of the application of artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems for rainfall-runoff modeling in Zayandeh-rood dam basin
MT Dastorani, H Sharifi Darani, A Talebi, A Moghadam Nia
J. of Water and Wastewater 80, 114-125, 2011
Application of machine learning approaches in rainfall-runoff modeling (Case Study: Zayandeh_Rood Basin in Iran)
MT Dastorani, J Mahjoobi, A Talebi, F Fakhar
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal 51 (2), 293-310, 2018
Physically based modelling of sheet erosion (detachment and deposition processes) in complex hillslopes
A Talebi, R Hajiabolghasemi, MR Hadian, N Amanian
Hydrological Processes 30 (12), 1968-1977, 2016
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