Elizabeth Kurth
Elizabeth Kurth
Engineering Mechanics Corporation
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Lagrangian Conditional Statictics, acceleration and local relative motion in numerically simulated isotropic turbulence
EAKAGL P.K. Yeung, S.B. Pope
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 582, 399-422, 2007
“Lagrangian Conditional Statictics, acceleration and local relative motion in numerically simulated isotropic turbulence
EAKAGL P.K. Yeung, S.B. Pope
American Physical Society Conference, 2006
Robust LBB Analyses for Atucha II Nuclear Plant
O Wilkowski, G., Brust, B., Zhang, T., Hattery, G., Kalyanam, S., Shim, D.-J ...
ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2011
Weld Distortion Control Methods and Applications of Weld Modeling
ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2009
Benchmarking probabilistic code for LBB analysis for circumferential cracks
RE Kurth, CJ Sallaberry, BA Young, P Scott, FW Brust, E Kurth
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57915, V01BT01A003, 2017
Crack-Opening Displacement and Leak-Rate Calculations for Full Structural Weld Overlays
ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2009
Prediction of Dynamic Break-Opening Area Under Beyond Design Basis Seismic Loading
M Uddin, E Kurth, FW Brust, GM Wilkowski, AA Betervide, O Mazzantini, ...
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 56994, V06AT06A078, 2015
Part Repair and Start/Stop Effects and Three Dimensional Residual Stress in Dissimilar Metal Welds
FW Brust, E Punch, E Kurth
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57007, V06BT06A075, 2015
Benchmarking xLPR version 1.0 with the PRO-LOCA Version 3.0 code
CH Robert Kurth, Elizabeth Kurth, Bruce Young, Andrew Cox, Rick Olson, Paul ...
ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 2012
Initial developments for LBB application to HTHA sensitive non-stress relieved carbon steel girth welds in refinery plants
G Wilkowski, Y Hioe, E Kurth, E Punch, M Uddin, F Brust, K Bagnoli, ...
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 51586, V01AT01A001, 2018
Uncertainty Sampling of Weld Residual Stress Fields in Probabilistic Analysis: Part I—Theory
RE Kurth, CJ Sallaberry, FW Brust, EA Kurth, ML Benson, DL Rudland
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 50435, V06BT06A057, 2016
Weld Residual Stress (WRS) Modeling of Layered Pressure Vessels (LPV) and Fracture Assessment
FW Brust, E Punch, E Kurth
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57007, V06BT06A074, 2015
Welding distortion control methods and applications of weld modeling
FW Brust, G Wilkowski, DJ Shim, T Zhang, E Kurth
ASME PVP 6, 587-595, 2010
Modeling of Cracked Pipe System: Effect of Boundary Conditions on Displacement-Controlled and Load-Controlled Leak-Before-Break
M Uddin, G Wilkowski, E Kurth, L Hill, K Bagnoli
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 58974, V06AT06A066, 2019
Probability of Brittle Fracture in Gas Pipelines
GH R. Kurth, S. Kalyanam, E. Kurth, G. Wilkowski, F. Brust
10th International Pipeline Conference, 2014
Proposed Approach of Scenario Analysis Using a Probabilistic Code
CJ Sallaberry, RE Kurth, FW Brust, EA Kurth
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 58004, V06BT06A059, 2017
Sensitivity Analysis for XLPR Acceptance Testing
CJ Sallaberry, RE Kurth, FW Brust, EA Kurth
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 58004, V06BT06A060, 2017
Impact of Undetected Fabrication Flaws on LBB Risk
R Kurth, C Sallaberry, E Kurth, F Brust
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 57915, V01BT01A009, 2017
Prediction of Blowdown Forces and Impingement Pressures From a Partial Pipe Rupture for Hazard Analyses
GM Wilkowski, E Kurth, C Sallaberry, J Mihell
International Pipeline Conference 50266, V002T07A008, 2016
SBIR PHASE I FINAL REPORT: Adoption of High Performance Computational (HPC) Modeling Software for Widespread Use in the Manufacture of Welded Structures
FW Brust, EF Punch, EA Kurth, JC Kennedy
Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus (Emc2), Columbus, OH (United …, 2013
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