Bo-Yeong Won
Bo-Yeong Won
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ucr.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Evidence for second-order singleton suppression based on probabilistic expectations.
BY Won, M Kosoyan, JJ Geng
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (1), 125, 2019
First saccadic eye movement reveals persistent attentional guidance by implicit learning.
YV Jiang, BY Won, KM Swallow
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40 (3 …, 2014
Distractor ignoring: Strategies, learning, and passive filtering
JJ Geng, BY Won, NB Carlisle
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (6), 600-606, 2019
Task specificity of attention training: The case of probability cuing
YV Jiang, KM Swallow, BY Won, JD Cistera, GM Rosenbaum
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 50-66, 2015
Passive exposure attenuates distraction during visual search.
BY Won, JJ Geng
Journal of experimental psychology: general 149 (10), 1987, 2020
Spatial working memory interferes with explicit, but not probabilistic cuing of spatial attention.
BY Won, YV Jiang
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (3), 787, 2015
Learned suppression for multiple distractors in visual search.
BY Won, JJ Geng
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 44 (7 …, 2018
Spatial reference frame of attention in a large outdoor environment.
YV Jiang, BY Won, KM Swallow, DM Mussack
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40 (4 …, 2014
Changes in visual cortical processing attenuate singleton distraction during visual search
BY Won, M Forloines, Z Zhou, JJ Geng
Cortex 132, 309-321, 2020
How do magnitude and frequency of monetary reward guide visual search?
BY Won, AB Leber
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78, 1221-1231, 2016
Redundancy effects in the perception and memory of visual objects
YV Jiang, MY Kwon, WM Shim, BY Won
Visual Cognition 18 (9), 1233-1252, 2010
Redundancy effects in the processing of emotional faces
BY Won, YV Jiang
Vision Research 78, 6-13, 2013
Statistical learning modulates the direction of the first head movement in a large-scale search task
BY Won, HJ Lee, YV Jiang
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 2229-2239, 2015
Memory precision for salient distractors decreases with learned suppression
BY Won, A Venkatesh, PP Witkowski, T Banh, JJ Geng
Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-13, 2022
Spatial scale, rather than nature of task or locomotion, modulates the spatial reference frame of attention.
YV Jiang, BY Won
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (3), 866, 2015
Flexible target templates improve visual search accuracy for faces depicting emotion
BY Won, J Haberman, E Bliss-Moreau, JJ Geng
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 2909-2923, 2020
Concurrent working memory load can reduce distraction: An fMRI study
MS Kim, S Min, K Kim, BY Won
Journal of Vision 6 (6), 125-125, 2006
Failure to exploit learned spatial value information during visual search
BY Won, AB Leber
Visual Cognition 26 (7), 482-499, 2018
Passive distractor filtering in visual search
BY Won
Visual Cognition 29 (9), 563-566, 2021
Spatial constraints on probability learning in visual working memory
BY Won, AB Leber
Visual Cognition 25 (1-3), 34-50, 2017
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