A model for analysing algebraic processes of thinking F Arzarello, L Bazzini, G Chiappini Perspectives on school algebra, 61-81, 2002 | 120 | 2002 |
L’algebra come strumento di pensiero F Arzarello, L Bazzini, C Chiappini Analisi teorica e considerazioni didattiche, 113, 1994 | 92* | 1994 |
Cognitive processes in algebraic thinking: Towards a theoretical framework F Arzarello, L Bazzini, G Chiappini | 49 | 1993 |
The “voices and echoes game” and the interiorization of crucial aspects of theoretical knowledge in a Vygotskian perspective: Ongoing research P Boero, B Pedemonte, E Robotti, G Chiappini Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the International Group for the …, 1998 | 43 | 1998 |
The construction of algebraic knowledge: towards a socio-cultural theory and practice F Arzarello, L Bazzini, G Chiappini PME CONFERENCE 1, 1-119, 1995 | 42 | 1995 |
Learning Programming as a Cognitive Apprenticeship through Conflicts F Arzarello, GP Chiappini, E Lemut, N Malara, M Pellerey NATO ASI SERIES F COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES 111, 284-284, 1993 | 36* | 1993 |
Advanced Technology and Learning Environments: Their Relationships within the Arithmetic Problem-Solving Domain RM Bottino, G Chiappini Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 757-786, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
Viaggio nella città invisibile C Bagnara, G Chiappini, MP Conte, M Ott Atti del 2 Convegno nazionale sulla Lingua Italiana dei Segni, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
Bringing the voice of Plato in the classroom to detect and overcome conceptual mistakes R Garuti, P Boero, G Chiappini PME CONFERENCE 3, 3-9, 1999 | 29 | 1999 |
Towards statements and proofs in elementary arithmetic: An exploratory study about the role of teachers and the behaviour of students P Boero, G Chiappini, R Garuti, A Sibilla PME CONFERENCE 3, 3-129, 1995 | 29 | 1995 |
Activity theory: A framework for design and reporting on research projects based on ICT RM Bottino, G Chiappini, P Forcheri, E Lemut, MT Molfino Education and Information Technologies 4 (3), 279-293, 1999 | 28 | 1999 |
ARI-LAB: Models, issues and strategies in the design of a multiple-tools problem solving environment RM Bottino, G Chiappini Instructional Science 23 (1), 7-23, 1995 | 28 | 1995 |
The process of naming in algebraic problem solving F Arzarello, L Bazzini, C Chiappini Proceedings of the 18th International Conference for the Psychology of …, 1994 | 27 | 1994 |
Intensional semantics as a tool to analyse algebraic thinking F Arzarello, L Bazzini, GP Chiappini Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell’Università di Torino 52 (1), 105-125, 1994 | 26 | 1994 |
Il laboratorio didattico di matematica: riferimenti teorici per la costruzione G Chiappini Innovazione educativa 8, 9-12, 2007 | 24 | 2007 |
Visualisation in teaching-learning mathematics: the role of the computer G Chiappini, RM Bottino COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISUALIZATION EDUCATION'99, 1999 | 24 | 1999 |
A hypermedia system for interactive problem solving in arithmetic RM Bottino, G Chiappini, PL Ferrari Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 3 (3-4), 307-326, 1994 | 19 | 1994 |
Teaching and learning mathematics with tools M Bartolini Bussi, G Chiappini, D Paola, M Reggiani, O Robutti Research and Teacher Training in Mathematics Education in Italy 2003, 138-169, 2000 | 18* | 2000 |
Activity theoretical approaches to mathematics classroom practices with the use of technology F Vandebrouck, J Monaghan, JB Lagrange, RC Ardenne, L France Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the …, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
Technological advances and learning environments RM Bottino, G Chiappini Handbook of international research in Mathematics Education, 757-786, 2002 | 17 | 2002 |