Dr James Hazelton
Dr James Hazelton
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Financial markets: a tool for social responsibility?
M Haigh, J Hazelton
Journal of Business Ethics 52, 59-71, 2004
Incorporating sustainability into accounting curricula: Lessons learnt from an action research study
J Hazelton, M Haigh
Liberalising the Accounting Curriculum in University Education, 126-145, 2014
Accounting as a human right: the case of water information
J Hazelton
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 26 (2), 267-311, 2013
The disruptive and transformative potential of new technologies for accounting, accountants and accountability: A review of current literature and call for further research
M Marrone, J Hazelton
Meditari Accountancy Research 27 (5), 677-694, 2019
Teaching global ethical standards: A case and strategy for broadening the accounting ethics curriculum
D Tweedie, MC Dyball, J Hazelton, S Wright
Journal of business ethics 115, 1-15, 2013
Potential users’ perceptions of general purpose water accounting reports
E Tello, J Hazelton, L Cummings
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 29 (1), 80-110, 2016
Under what conditions is mandatory disclosure most likely to cause organisational change?
S Leong, J Hazelton
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (3), 811-835, 2019
Mine site-level water reporting in the Macquarie and Lachlan catchments: A study of voluntary and mandatory disclosures and their value for community decision-making
S Leong, J Hazelton, R Taplin, W Timms, D Laurence
Journal of cleaner production 84, 94-106, 2014
Greenhouse gas emissions disclosure by cities: the expectation gap
P Mia, J Hazelton, J Guthrie
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 10 (4), 685-709, 2019
Economic inequality: problems and perspectives for interdisciplinary accounting research
D Tweedie, J Hazelton
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (7), 1982-2003, 2019
Developments in corporate water accounting and accountability
J Hazelton
Sustainability After Rio, 27-55, 2015
Social Accounting for Inequality: Applying Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century
D Tweedie, J Hazelton
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 35 (2), 113-122, 2015
The amorality of public corporations
J Hazelton
Essays in Philosophy 6 (2), 366-384, 2005
Managing the risks of corporate political donations: A utilitarian perspective
S Leong, J Hazelton, C Townley
Journal of Business Ethics 118, 429-445, 2013
The challenges and opportunities of implementing general purpose groundwater accounting in Australia
E Tello, J Hazelton
Australasian journal of environmental management 25 (3), 285-301, 2018
Corporate water accountability–the role of water labels given non-fungible extractions
J Hazelton
Pacific Accounting Review 26 (1/2), 8-27, 2014
Measuring for climate actions: a disclosure study of ten megacities
P Mia, J Hazelton, J Guthrie
Meditari Accountancy Research 26 (4), 550-575, 2018
Missing voices in GRI standards? Distinct material concerns of Latin American stakeholders revealed by COVID-19
J Hazelton, S Leong, E Tello
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 36 (3), 830-858, 2023
Australian corporate political donation disclosures: Frequency, quality, and characteristics associated with disclosing companies
E Tello, J Hazelton, SV Leong
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (2), 581-611, 2019
Engaging staff in curriculum change: Reflections from an accounting ethics initiative
S Wright, P Byers, M Dyball, J Hazelton, R Radich
Asian Social Science 7 (11), 93-99, 2011
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