Stein R. Moe
Citat de
Citat de
Land-use/cover dynamics in Northern Afar rangelands, Ethiopia
D Tsegaye, SR Moe, P Vedeld, E Aynekulu
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 139 (1-2), 174-180, 2010
Plant functional traits mediate reproductive phenology and success in response to experimental warming and snow addition in Tibet
T Dorji, Ø Totland, SR Moe, KA Hopping, J Pan, JA Klein
Global change biology 19 (2), 459-472, 2013
The effects of exclosures in restoring degraded semi-arid vegetation in communal grazing lands in northern Ethiopia
T Yayneshet, LO Eik, SR Moe
Journal of arid environments 73 (4-5), 542-549, 2009
The return of the giants: ecological effects of an increasing elephant population
C Skarpe, PA Aarrestad, HP Andreassen, SS Dhillion, T Dimakatso, ...
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 33 (6), 276-282, 2004
Stakeholder attitudes towards wildlife policy and the Benoue Wildlife Conservation area, North Cameroon
RB Weladji, SR Moe, P Vedeld
Environmental conservation 30 (4), 334-343, 2003
Vegetation changes during a 36‐year period in northern Chobe National Park, Botswana
DK Mosugelo, SR Moe, S Ringrose, C Nellemann
African Journal of Ecology 40 (3), 232-240, 2002
Home gardens sustain crop diversity and improve farm resilience in Candelaria Loxicha, Oaxaca, Mexico
M Aguilar-Støen, SR Moe, SL Camargo-Ricalde
Human ecology 37, 55-77, 2009
Bamboo dominance reduces tree regeneration in a disturbed tropical forest
P Larpkern, SR Moe, Ø Totland
Oecologia 165, 161-168, 2011
Mound building termites contribute to savanna vegetation heterogeneity
SR Moe, R Mobæk, AK Narmo
Plant Ecology 202, 31-40, 2009
Pastoralists and livelihoods: A case study from northern Afar, Ethiopia
D Tsegaye, P Vedeld, SR Moe
Journal of Arid Environments 91, 138-146, 2013
What controls woodland regeneration after elephants have killed the big trees?
SR Moe, LP Rutina, H Hytteborn, JT Du Toit
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1), 223-230, 2009
Termitaria as browsing hotspots for African megaherbivores in miombo woodland
JP Loveridge, SR Moe
Journal of Tropical Ecology 20 (3), 337-343, 2004
Plant species richness, evenness, and composition along environmental gradients in an alpine meadow grazing ecosystem in central Tibet, China
T Dorji, SR Moe, JA Klein, Ø Totland
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 46 (2), 308-326, 2014
Termitaria are focal feeding sites for large ungulates in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda
R Mobæk, AK Narmo, SR Moe
Journal of Zoology 267 (1), 97-102, 2005
Dry season diets of sympatric ungulates in lowland Nepal: competition and facilitation in alluvial tall grasslands
P Wegge, AK Shrestha, SR Moe
Ecological Research 21, 698-706, 2006
Do wild reindeer exhibit grazing compensation during insect harassment?
JE Colman, C Pedersen, DØ Hjermann, Ø Holand, SR Moe, E Reimers
The Journal of wildlife management, 11-19, 2003
Spacing behaviour and habitat use of axis deer (Axis axis) in lowland Nepal
SR Moe, P Wegge
Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (10), 1735-1744, 1994
Elephant Loxodonta africana driven woodland conversion to shrubland improves dry‐season browse availability for impalas Aepyceros melampus
LP Rutina, SR Moe, JE Swenson
Wildlife Biology 11 (3), 207-213, 2005
The effects of cutting and burning on grass quality and axis deer (Axis axis) use of grassland in lowland Nepal
SR Moe, P Wegge
Journal of tropical ecology 13 (2), 279-292, 1997
The influence of man‐made fires on large wild herbivores in Lake Burungi area in northern Tanzania
SR Moe, PER Wegge, EB Kapela
African journal of Ecology 28 (1), 35-43, 1990
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