Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Patrick BrunsAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 12
Tactile capture of auditory localization: an event‐related potential study
P Bruns, B Röder
European Journal of Neuroscience 31 (10), 1844-1857, 2010
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Cross-modal training induces changes in spatial representations early in the auditory processing pathway
P Bruns, R Liebnau, B Röder
Psychological Science 22 (9), 1120-1126, 2011
Mandate: German Research Foundation
The role of auditory cortex in the spatial ventriloquism aftereffect
B Zierul, B Röder, C Tempelmann, P Bruns, T Noesselt
NeuroImage 162, 257-268, 2017
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Tactile recalibration of auditory spatial representations
P Bruns, C Spence, B Röder
Experimental brain research 209, 333-344, 2011
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Audiovisual influences on the perception of visual apparent motion: exploring the effect of a single sound
P Bruns, S Getzmann
Acta psychologica 129 (2), 273-283, 2008
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Audiotactile integration is reduced in congenital blindness in a spatial ventriloquism task
V Occelli, P Bruns, M Zampini, B Röder
Neuropsychologia 50 (1), 36-43, 2012
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Tactile capture of auditory localization is modulated by hand posture
P Bruns, B Röder
Experimental Psychology, 2010
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Repeated but not incremental training enhances cross-modal recalibration.
P Bruns, B Röder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (4), 435, 2019
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Spatial and frequency specificity of the ventriloquism aftereffect revisited
P Bruns, B Röder
Psychological Research 83, 1400-1415, 2019
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Reduced multisensory integration of self-initiated stimuli
B Zierul, J Tong, P Bruns, B Röder
Cognition 182, 349-359, 2019
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Effects of age and individual experiences on tactile perception over the life span in women
B Godde, P Bruns, V Wendel, M Trautmann
Acta Psychologica 190, 135-141, 2018
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Cross-modal learning in the auditory system
P Bruns, B Röder
Multisensory Processes: The Auditory Perspective, 221-242, 2019
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Disponibile undeva: 19
The ventriloquist illusion as a tool to study multisensory processing: An update
P Bruns
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 13, 51, 2019
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Sensory recalibration integrates information from the immediate and the cumulative past
P Bruns, B Röder
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12739, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Multisensory integration develops prior to crossmodal recalibration
S Rohlf, L Li, P Bruns, B Röder
Current Biology 30 (9), 1726-1732. e7, 2020
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Reward expectation influences audiovisual spatial integration
P Bruns, M Maiworm, B Röder
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 1815-1827, 2014
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Tactile acuity charts: a reliable measure of spatial acuity
P Bruns, CJ Camargo, H Campanella, J Esteve, HR Dinse, B Röder
PLoS One 9 (2), e87384, 2014
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Crossmodal associations modulate multisensory spatial integration
J Tong, L Li, P Bruns, B Röder
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 3490-3506, 2020
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Experience with crossmodal statistics reduces the sensitivity for audio-visual temporal asynchrony
B Habets, P Bruns, B Röder
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1486, 2017
Mandate: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Feedback modulates audio-visual spatial recalibration
A Kramer, B Röder, P Bruns
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 13, 74, 2020
Mandate: German Research Foundation
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