Nikos Bikakis
Nikos Bikakis
HMU & ATHENA Research Center, Greece
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Citat de
Big data visualization tools
N Bikakis
Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, Springer, 2018
Exploration and visualization in the web of big linked data: A survey of the state of the art
N Bikakis, T Sellis
6th International Workshop on Linked Web Data Management (LWDM 2016), 2016
Linked data visualization: techniques, tools, and big data
L Po, N Bikakis, F Desimoni, G Papastefanatos
Springer - Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2020
The XML and semantic web worlds: technologies, interoperability and integration: a survey of the state of the art
N Bikakis, C Tsinaraki, N Gioldasis, I Stavrakantonakis, S Christodoulakis
Semantic Hyper/Multimedia Adaptation: Schemes and Applications, 319-360, 2013
SPARQL-RW: transparent query access over mapped RDF data sources
K Makris, N Bikakis, N Gioldasis, S Christodoulakis
International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 610-613, 2012
Ontology mapping and SPARQL rewriting for querying federated RDF data sources
K Makris, N Gioldasis, N Bikakis, S Christodoulakis
9th intl. conf. on ontologies, databases, & applications of semantics …, 2010
Big data visualization and analytics: Future research challenges and emerging applications
G Andrienko, N Andrienko, S Drucker, JD Fekete, D Fisher, S Idreos, ...
Integrating keywords and semantics on document annotation and search
N Bikakis, G Giannopoulos, T Dalamagas, T Sellis
9th intl. conf. on ontologies, databases, & applications of semantics …, 2010
GoNTogle: a tool for semantic annotation and search
G Giannopoulos, N Bikakis, T Dalamagas, T Sellis
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2010, 376-380, 2010
The SPARQL2XQuery Interoperability Framework. Utilizing Schema Mapping, Schema Transformation and Query Translation to Integrate XML and the Semantic Web
N Bikakis, C Tsinaraki, I Stavrakantonakis, N Gioldasis, S Christodoulakis
World Wide Web 18 (2), 2013
GraphVizdb: A scalable platform for interactive large graph visualization
N Bikakis, J Liagouris, M Krommyda, G Papastefanatos, T Sellis
IEEE 32nd international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 1342-1345, 2016
A hierarchical aggregation framework for efficient multilevel visual exploration and analysis
N Bikakis, G Papastefanatos, M Skourla, T Sellis
Semantic Web 8 (1), 139-179, 2016
Querying xml data with sparql
N Bikakis, N Gioldasis, C Tsinaraki, S Christodoulakis
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 20th International Conference …, 2009
rdf: SynopsViz–A Framework for Hierarchical Linked Data Visual Exploration and Analysis
N Bikakis, M Skourla, G Papastefanatos
11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), 2014
Regionally Influential Users in Location-Aware Social Networks
P Bouros, D Sacharidis, N Bikakis
22nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information …, 2014
Towards scalable visual exploration of very large RDF graphs
N Bikakis, J Liagouris, M Kromida, G Papastefanatos, T Sellis
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2015 Satellite Events: ESWC 2015 Satellite Events …, 2015
Towards a Mediator based on OWL and SPARQL
K Makris, N Bikakis, N Gioldasis, C Tsinaraki, S Christodoulakis
Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective …, 2009
Big data exploration, visualization and analytics
N Bikakis, G Papastefanatos, O Papaemmanouil
Big Data Research 18 (1), 2019
In-situ visual exploration over big raw data
N Bikakis, S Maroulis, G Papastefanatos, P Vassiliadis
Information Systems 95, 2021
Sparql2xquery 2.0: Supporting semantic-based queries over xml data
I Stavrakantonakis, C Tsinaraki, N Bikakis, N Gioldasis, S Christodoulakis
2010 Fifth International Workshop Semantic Media Adaptation and …, 2010
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