Adam Marcus
Adam Marcus
Co-Founder at Unlimited Labs/B12
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Citat de
Scalable semantic web data management using vertical partitioning
DJ Abadi, A Marcus, SR Madden, K Hollenbach
Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2007
Twitinfo: aggregating and visualizing microblogs for event exploration
A Marcus, MS Bernstein, O Badar, DR Karger, S Madden, RC Miller
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2011
Interlacing families ii: Mixed characteristic polynomials and the kadison—singer problem
AW Marcus, DA Spielman, N Srivastava
Annals of Mathematics, 327-350, 2015
Interlacing families I: Bipartite Ramanujan graphs of all degrees
A Marcus, DA Spielman, N Srivastava
2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of computer science, 529-537, 2013
SW-Store: a vertically partitioned DBMS for Semantic Web data management
DJ Abadi, A Marcus, SR Madden, K Hollenbach
The VLDB Journal 18, 385-406, 2009
Human-powered sorts and joins
A Marcus, E Wu, D Karger, S Madden, R Miller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.6881, 2011
Crowdsourced databases: Query processing with people
A Marcus, E Wu, DR Karger, S Madden, RC Miller
Cidr, 2011
Challenges in data crowdsourcing
H Garcia-Molina, M Joglekar, A Marcus, A Parameswaran, V Verroios
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (4), 901-911, 2016
Counting with the crowd
A Marcus, D Karger, S Madden, R Miller, S Oh
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (2), 109-120, 2012
Interlacing families IV: Bipartite Ramanujan graphs of all sizes
AW Marcus, DA Spielman, N Srivastava
SIAM Journal on computing 47 (6), 2488-2509, 2018
Enhancing directed content sharing on the web
MS Bernstein, A Marcus, DR Karger, RC Miller
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2010
Crowdsourced data management: Industry and academic perspectives
A Marcus, A Parameswaran
Foundations and Trends® in Databases 6 (1-2), 1-161, 2015
Argonaut: Macrotask crowdsourcing for complex data processing
D Haas, J Ansel, L Gu, A Marcus
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (12), 1642-1653, 2015
Workflow management for crowd worker tasks with fixed throughput and budgets
D Haas, J Ansel, Z Gu, A Marcus
US Patent App. 15/253,411, 2017
Using NFC-enabled mobile phones for public health in developing countries
A Marcus, G Davidzon, D Law, N Verma, R Fletcher, A Khan, L Sarmenta
2009 first international workshop on near field communication, 30-35, 2009
Extensions of the linear bound in the Füredi–Hajnal conjecture
M Klazar, A Marcus
Advances in Applied Mathematics 38 (2), 258-266, 2007
Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications
A Marcus, G Tardos
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 113 (4), 675-691, 2006
Entropy and set cardinality inequalities for partition‐determined functions
M Madiman, AW Marcus, P Tetali
Random Structures & Algorithms 40 (4), 399-424, 2012
Finite free convolutions of polynomials
AW Marcus, DA Spielman, N Srivastava
Probability Theory and Related Fields 182 (3), 807-848, 2022
Processing and visualizing the data in tweets
A Marcus, MS Bernstein, O Badar, DR Karger, S Madden, RC Miller
ACM SIGMOD Record 40 (4), 21-27, 2012
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