Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Hans hagenAflați mai multe
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Manufacturing system design with virtual factory tools
X Yang, RC Malak, C Lauer, C Weidig, H Hagen, B Hamann, JC Aurich, ...
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 28 (1), 25-40, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Tiled++: An enhanced tiled hi-res display wall
A Ebert, S Thelen, PS Olech, J Meyer, H Hagen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16 (1), 120-132, 2009
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Modeling, monitoring, and visualizing carbon footprints at the urban neighborhood scale
S Petsch, S Guhathakurta, L Heischbourg, K Müller, H Hagen
Journal of Urban Technology 18 (4), 81-96, 2011
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Heterogeneous networks on multiple levels
F Schreiber, A Kerren, K Börner, H Hagen, D Zeckzer
Multivariate Network Visualization: Dagstuhl Seminar# 13201, Dagstuhl Castle …, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Volume Deformations in Grid‐Less Flow Simulations
H Obermaier, M Hering‐Bertram, J Kuhnert, H Hagen
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (3), 879-886, 2009
Mandate: German Research Foundation
The LIR space partitioning system applied to Cartesian grids
S Linden, H Hagen, A Wiegmann
International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces …, 2012
Mandate: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Analyzing the reliability of communication between software entities using a 3D visualization of clustered graphs
D Zeckzer, R Kalcklösch, L Schröder, H Hagen, T Klein
Proceedings of the 4th ACM symposium on Software visualization, 37-46, 2008
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Smooth convolution-based distance functions
A Schmeißer, R Wegener, D Hietel, H Hagen
Graphical Models 82, 67-76, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Cosmological particle data compression in practice
M Zeyen, J Ahrens, H Hagen, K Heitmann, S Habib
Proceedings of the In Situ Infrastructures on Enabling Extreme-Scale …, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Energy
Neighborhood relation diagrams for local comparison of carbon footprints in urban planning
D Engel, S Petsch, H Hagen, S Guhathakurta
Information Visualization 11 (2), 124-135, 2012
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Empirical comparison of curvature estimators on volume images and triangle meshes
M Kronenberger, O Wirjadi, H Hagen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (10), 3032-3041, 2018
Mandate: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Federal Ministry of …
Procedural defect modeling for virtual surface inspection environments
L Bosnar, H Hagen, P Gospodnetic
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 43 (2), 13-22, 2023
Mandate: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Visualization of flow behavior in earth mantle convection
S Schröder, JA Peterson, H Obermaier, LH Kellogg, KI Joy, H Hagen
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (12), 2198-2207, 2012
Mandate: German Research Foundation
STRAD Wheel: Web-based library for visualizing temporal data
D Fernöndez-Prieto, C Naranjo-Valero, JT Hernández, H Hagen
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 37 (2), 99-105, 2017
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Visualizing the temporal development of thermo-radiative features on ground-based thermographs
K Häb, NH Feige, LS Huettenberger, A Middel, H Hagen
Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 3781-3793, 2014
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Topological flow volume extraction from time-surface maps
H Obermaier, M Hering-Bertram, H Hagen
Computer Aided Geometric Design 30 (6), 567-576, 2013
Mandate: German Research Foundation
A 3D human brain atlas
S Thelen, J Meyer, A Ebert, H Hagen
Modelling the Physiological Human: 3D Physiological Human Workshop, 3DPH …, 2009
Mandate: German Research Foundation
VafusQ: A methodology to build visual analysis applications with data quality features
JA Triana, D Zeckzer, H Hagen, JT Hernandez
Information Visualization 18 (4), 384-404, 2019
Mandate: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Visualization and multivariate clustering of scattered moment tensors
H Obermaier, MI Billen, KI Joy, H Hagen, M Hering-Bertram
Information Visualization 11 (1), 43-59, 2012
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Tag-based interaction with large high-resolution displays
S Thelen, J Meyer, A Middel, PS Olech, A Ebert, H Hagen
Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2009
Mandate: German Research Foundation
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