Aphrodite Indares
Aphrodite Indares
Professor geology, Memorial University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe mun.ca
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Biotite–garnet geothermometry in the granulite facies: the influence of Ti and Al in biotite
A Indares, J Martignole
American Mineralogist 70 (3-4), 272-278, 1985
Partial melting in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of Eastern Nepal: the effect of decompression and implications for the ‘Channel Flow’model
C Groppo, F Rolfo, A Indares
Journal of Petrology 53 (5), 1057-1088, 2012
Phase equilibria modelling of kyanite‐bearing anatectic paragneisses from the central Grenville Province
A Indares, RW White, R Powell
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 26 (8), 815-836, 2008
High-pressure anatectic paragneisses from the Namche Barwa, Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: textural evidence for partial melting, phase equilibria modeling and tectonic implications
C Guilmette, A Indares, R Hébert
Lithos 124 (1-2), 66-81, 2011
The Grenville orogen—A post-LITHOPROBE perspective
T Rivers, N Culshaw, A Hynes, A Indares, R Jamieson, J Martignole, ...
Tectonic styles in Canada: the LITHOPROBE perspective 49, 97-236, 2012
Discovery of a dismembered metamorphic sole in the Saga ophiolitic mélange, South Tibet: Assessing an Early Cretaceous disruption of the Neo-Tethyan supra-subduction zone and …
C Guilmette, R Hébert, J Dostal, A Indares, T Ullrich, É Bédard, C Wang
Gondwana Research 22 (2), 398-414, 2012
The High Pressure belt in the Grenville Province: architecture, timing, and exhumation
T Rivers, J Ketchum, A Indares, A Hynes
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (5), 867-893, 2002
PT Paths Derived from Garnet Growth Zoning in an Extensional Setting: an Example from the Tormes Gneiss Dome (Iberian Massif, Spain)
J Escuder Viruete, A Indares, R Arenas
Journal of Petrology 41 (10), 1489-1515, 2000
Eclogitized gabbros from the eastern Grenville Province: textures, metamorphic context, and implications
A Indares
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30 (1), 159-173, 1993
Metamorphic interpretation of high‐pressure‐temperature metapelites with preserved growth zoning in garnet, eastern Grenville Province, Canadian Shield
A Indares
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 13 (4), 475-486, 1995
Partial Melting of High-PT Metapelites from the Tshenukutish Terrane (Grenville Province): Petrography and U–Pb Geochronology
A Indares, G Dunning
Journal of Petrology 42 (8), 1547-1565, 2001
Petrology and U–Pb geochronology of mafic, high-pressure, metamorphic coronites from the Tshenukutish domain, eastern Grenville Province
RA Cox, GR Dunning, A Indares
Precambrian Research 90 (1-2), 59-83, 1998
Textures, metamorphic reactions and thermobarometry of eclogitized metagabbros; a Proterozoic example
A Indares, T Rivers
European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (1), 43-56, 1995
Biotite-garnet geothermometry in granulite-facies rocks; evaluation of equilibrium criteria
A Indares, J Martignole
The Canadian Mineralogist 23 (2), 187-193, 1985
Lithoprobe line 55: integration of out-of-plane seismic results with surface structure, metamorphism, and geochronology, and the tectonic evolution of the eastern Grenville …
A Hynes, A Indares, T Rivers, A Gobeil
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 37 (2-3), 341-358, 2000
Coronitic metagabbro and eclogite from the Grenville Province of western Quebec: interpretation of U–Pb geochronology and metamorphism
A Indares, G Dunning
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 34 (7), 891-901, 1997
Seismic images of eclogites, crustal-scale extension, and Moho relief in the eastern Grenville province, Quebec
DW Eaton, A Hynes, A Indares, T Rivers
Geology 23 (9), 855-858, 1995
Tectono-thermal evolution of deep crust in a Mesoproterozoic continental collision setting: the Manicouagan example
A Indares, G Dunning, R Cox
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 37 (2-3), 325-340, 2000
Metamorphic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the allochthonous monocyclic belt of the Grenville Province, western Quebec
A Indares, J Martignole
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 27 (3), 371-386, 1990
Crustal architecture above the high-pressure belt of the Grenville Province in the Manicouagan area: new structural, petrologic and U–Pb age constraints
A Indares, G Dunning
Precambrian Research 130 (1-4), 199-228, 2004
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