A GIS-based approach for identifying potential sites for harvesting rainwater in the Western Desert of Iraq A Adham, KN Sayl, R Abed, MA Abdeladhim, JG Wesseling, M Riksen, ... International Soil and Water Conservation Research 6 (4), 297-304, 2018 | 173 | 2018 |
Participatory impact assessment of soil and water conservation scenarios in Oum Zessar watershed, Tunisia HJ König, M Sghaier, J Schuler, M Abdeladhim, K Helming, JP Tonneau, ... Environmental Management 50, 153-165, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
Causal chains, policy trade offs and sustainability: Analysing land (mis) use in seven countries in the South I Nesheim, P Reidsma, I Bezlepkina, R Verburg, MA Abdeladhim, ... Land use policy 37, 60-70, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Systematic evaluation of scenario assessments supporting sustainable integrated natural resources management J Reinhardt, S Liersch, MA Abdeladhim, M Diallo, C Dickens, S Fournet, ... Ecology and Society 23 (1), 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Land use policies for sustainable development: exploring integrated assessment approaches D McNeill, I Nesheim, F Brouwer Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
The regulatory approach of the EU in view of liability for climate change damage M Peeters, M Sghaier, AM Arbi, JP Tonneau, N Ounalli, H Jeder, M Bonin Climate change liability, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Evolution des systèmes oasiens et comportements des exploitants agricoles «Cas des oasis littorales. Sud-est tunisien» A Romdhane, M Abdeladhim New Medit 7 (2), 17-22, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Towards an innovative olive oil value chain: Options for inclusive development in South-Eastern Tunisia M Fetoui, B Dhehibi, A Frija, A Sghaier, SN Kassam, A Aw-Hassan, ... New Medit 19 (3), 3-20, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Assessing complementary synergies for integrated crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture in Tunisian dryland farming systems B Dhehibi, A Fouzai, A Frija, MA Adhim, HC M'hamed, H Ouerghemmi, ... Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 1022213, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Land degradation in the arid Jeffara Region, Tunisia. M Sghaier, AM Arbi, JP Tonneau, N Ounalli, H Jeder, M Bonin, D McNeil, ... Land Use Policies for Sustainable Development: Exploring Integrated …, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Patterns of use of residue biomass in cereal–sheep production systems of North Africa: case of Tunisia W Ameur, A Frija, MA Abdeladhim, C Thabet Agriculture 11 (7), 612, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Impacts of soil and water conservation techniques in Tunisia. Inventory of research works and studies C Zucca, T Hermassi, M Ouessar, A Frija, B Dhehibi, M Sghaier, ... Food security and better livelihoods for rural dryland communities. Research …, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Impact de la crise financière sur les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement dans les pays en voie de développement:«cas de la Tunisie» MA ABDELADHIM, M SGHAIER, R BECHIR, SM DHIFALLAH New Medit: Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment …, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
An integrated cost–benefit and livelihood approach for assessing the impact of water harvesting techniques (WHTs) on livelihoods: a case study in the Oum Zessar Watershed … MA Abdeladhim, M Sghaier, L Fleskens, M Ouessar Water and Land Security in Drylands: Response to Climate Change, 303-316, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Generation of potential sites for sustainable water harvesting techniques in Oum Zessar watershed, South East Tunisia MA Abdeladhim, L Fleskens, J Baartman, M Sghaier, M Ouessar, ... Sustainability 14 (10), 5754, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Assessing the impacts of climate change on sustainable development at the regional level: A case study in Medenine, South-East Tunisia MA Abdeladhim, M Sghaier, L Fleskens, L Shutes, A Akari Water and Land Security in Drylands: Response to Climate Change, 317-332, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Evaluation intégrée ex-ante d’impact des politiques d’utilisation des terres sur le développement durable dans les régions arides: cas du gouvernorat de Médenine Sud-est Tunisien M Sghaier, MA Abdeladhim, N Ounalli, H Jeder, B Riadh Séminaire "Politiques, programmes et projets de lutte contre la …, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
D1. 3: Final Report. LUPIS. Land Use Policies and Sustainable Development in Developing Countries. Specific Targeted Project Integrating and Strengthening the European Research … I Bezlepkina, FM Brouwer, I Nesheim, RW Verburg, HJ Silvis, L Chen, ... LEI, 2011 | 2 | 2011 |
Manure contribution to rural livelihoods at farm and landscape levels: a systemic approach in semi-arid Central Tunisia V Alary, A Frija, M Abdeladhim, M Sghaier, C Leauthaud, M Farhat, ... Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1-29, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Résilience des ménages face à l’insécurité alimentaire et au changement climatique dans les régions du centre et du nordest de la Tunisie: Une analyse empirique S Zaidi, B Dhehibi, MZ Dhraief, MA Abdeladhim New medit: Mediterranean journal of economics, agriculture and environment …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |