Sarah Lawless
Sarah Lawless
James Cook University; Australian Institute of Marine Science
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Gender equality in climate policy and practice hindered by assumptions
JD Lau, D Kleiber, S Lawless, PJ Cohen
Nature climate change 11 (3), 186-192, 2021
Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social–ecological systems: Applying a gender lens
PJ Cohen, S Lawless, M Dyer, M Morgan, E Saeni, H Teioli, P Kantor
Ambio 45, 309-321, 2016
Gender norms and relations: implications for agency in coastal livelihoods
S Lawless, P Cohen, C McDougall, G Orirana, F Siota, K Doyle
Maritime Studies 18 (3), 347-358, 2019
Gender equality is diluted in commitments made to small-scale fisheries
S Lawless, PJ Cohen, S Mangubhai, D Kleiber, TH Morrison
World Development 140, 105348, 2021
Exploring gender inclusion in small-scale fisheries management and development in Melanesia
S Mangubhai, S Lawless
Marine Policy 123, 104287, 2021
Rights, equity and justice: A diagnostic for social meta-norm diffusion in environmental governance
S Lawless, AM Song, PJ Cohen, TH Morrison
Earth System Governance 6, 100052, 2020
A synthesis of convergent reflections, tensions and silences in linking gender and global environmental change research
I Iniesta-Arandia, F Ravera, S Buechler, I Díaz-Reviriego, ...
Ambio 45 (3), 383-393, 2016
Lagoon livelihoods: gender and shell money in Langalanga, Solomon Islands
K Barclay, N McClean, S Foale, R Sulu, S Lawless
Maritime Studies 17, 199-211, 2018
Tinker, tailor or transform: Gender equality amidst social-ecological change
S Lawless, PJ Cohen, C McDougall, S Mangubhai, AM Song, ...
Global Environmental Change 72, 102434, 2022
Progressing gender equality in fisheries by building strategic partnerships with development organisations
S Mangubhai, S Lawless, A Cowley, JP Mangubhai, MJ Williams
World Development 158, 105975, 2022
Solomon Islands: Western Province situation analysis
G Bennett, PJ Cohen, AM Schwarz, J Albert, S Lawless, C Paul, Z Hilly
WorldFish, 2014
Gender‐based violence: Relevance for fisheries practitioners
S Mangubhai, KM Barclay, S Lawless, N Makhoul
Fish and fisheries 24 (4), 582-594, 2023
Considering gender: Practical guidance for rural development initiatives in Solomon Islands
S Lawless, K Doyle, P Cohen, H Eriksson, AM Schwarz, H Teioli, ...
http://pubs.iclarm.net/resource_centre/2017-22.pdf; https://www …, 2017
Towards gender inclusivity and equality in small-scale fisheries
S Harper, D Kleiber
FAO, Duke University & WorldFish, 2023
Gender-inclusive facilitation for community-based marine resource management.
D Kleiber, P Cohen, H Teioli
Aquatic agricultural systems benchmarking Malaita and Western Provinces: Key findings
S Lawless, H Teioli
WorldFish, Honiara, 2015
A new idea for coastal fisheries: Asking the right questions to enhance coastal livelihoods
H Govan, H Eriksson, M Batalofo, A Duarte, M Sukulu, S Lawless, A Tilley, ...
Pacific Community, 2020
Socioeconomic Assessment of Villages in the Tigak and Tsoi Islands, Northern New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea
S Lawless, S Frijlink
Wildlife Conservation Society, 37, 2016
Advancing Gender Equality for Equitable Livelihoods in Coral Reef Social-ecological Systems
S Lawless, J Lau, C Ruano-Chamorro, E Corcoran, P Cohen, ...
https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12348/4919, 2021
The Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook: Emerging research for the effective management of small-scale fisheries
P Smallhorn-West, R Abesamis, D Notere Boso, J Cinner, P Cohen, ...
WorldFish, 2023
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