Shunta Saito
Shunta Saito
Preferred Networks, Inc.
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Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets with Singular Value Clipping
M Saito, E Matsumoto, S Shunta
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06624, 2016
Multiple Object Extraction from Aerial Imagery with Convolutional Neural Networks
S Saito, T Yamashita, Y Aoki
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 60 (1), 10402-1-10402-9, 2016
Chainer: A deep learning framework for accelerating the research cycle
S Tokui, R Okuta, T Akiba, Y Niitani, T Ogawa, S Saito, S Suzuki, ...
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2019
Train sparsely, generate densely: Memory-efficient unsupervised training of high-resolution temporal gan
M Saito, S Saito, M Koyama, S Kobayashi
International Journal of Computer Vision 128 (10), 2586-2606, 2020
Building and road detection from large aerial imagery
S Saito, Y Aoki
Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications VIII 9405, 153-164, 2015
Chainercv: a library for deep learning in computer vision
Y Niitani, T Ogawa, S Saito, M Saito
Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1217-1220, 2017
Tganv2: Efficient training of large models for video generation with multiple subsampling layers
M Saito, S Saito
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09245 2 (6), 2018
Kinect for Windows SDK プログラミング C++ 編
中村薫, 齋藤俊太, 宮城英人
秀和システム, 2012
Minimizing supervision for free-space segmentation
S Tsutsui, T Kerola, S Saito, DJ Crandall
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Seamline Determination Based on Semantic Segmentation for Aerial Image Mosaicking
S Saito, R Arai, Y Aoki
IEEE Access 3, 2847-2856, 0
Distantly supervised road segmentation
S Tsutsui, T Kerola, S Saito
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Simple system for 3D body shape estimation
S Saito, M Kouchi, M Mochimaru, Y Aoki
The 1st IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 2012, 203-205, 2012
Taxonomic consideration on the flukes of the genus Metagonimus
S Saito
Proc Parasite Taxon Morphol Meet 2, 1-4, 1984
Detection of Aspergillus fumigatus DNA by polymerase chain reaction in the clinical samples from individuals with pulmonary aspergillosis
H Nakamura, Y Shibata, Y Kudo, S Saito, H Kimura, H Tomoike
Rinsho byori. The Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology 42 (7), 676-681, 1994
On the validity of Metagonimus spp
S Saito
Proc Jpn Parasite Taxon Morphol Conf 1984 2, 1-6, 1984
Joint search of data augmentation policies and network architectures
T Kashima, Y Yamada, S Saito
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09407, 2020
Shape completion and modeling of 3D foot shape while walking
Y Yoshida, S Saito, Y Aoki, M Kouchi, M Mochimaru
2012 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2012), 1-3, 2012
Addressing class imbalance in scene graph parsing by learning to contrast and score
H Huang, S Saito, Y Kikuchi, E Matsumoto, W Tang, PS Yu
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
Improvised robotic design with found objects
A Maekawa, A Kume, H Yoshida, J Hatori, J Naradowsky, S Saito
32nd Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018), 2018
Model-based 3D human shape estimation from silhouettes for virtual fitting
S Saito, M Kouchi, M Mochimaru, Y Aoki
Three-Dimensional Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications …, 2014
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