Petr Kuzmic
Petr Kuzmic
BioKin Ltd.
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Program DYNAFIT for the analysis of enzyme kinetic data: application to HIV proteinase
P Kuzmič
Analytical biochemistry 237 (2), 260-273, 1996
Determination of kinetic constants for peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerases by an improved spectrophotometric assay
JL Kofron, P Kuzmic, V Kishore, E Colon-Bonilla, DH Rich
Biochemistry 30 (25), 6127-6134, 1991
Covalent EGFR inhibitor analysis reveals importance of reversible interactions to potency and mechanisms of drug resistance
PA Schwartz, P Kuzmic, J Solowiej, S Bergqvist, B Bolanos, C Almaden, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 173-178, 2014
DynaFit—a software package for enzymology
P Kuzmič
Methods in enzymology 467, 247-280, 2009
Lithium chloride perturbation of cis-trans peptide bond equilibria: Effect on conformational equilibria in cyclosporin A and on time-dependent inhibition of cyclophilin
JL Kofron, P Kuzmic, V Kishore, G Gemmecker, SW Fesik, DH Rich
Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (7), 2670-2675, 1992
Inhibition of plasma kallikrein by a highly specific active site blocking antibody
JA Kenniston, RR Faucette, D Martik, SR Comeau, AP Lindberg, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (34), 23596-23608, 2014
The small GTPases K-Ras, N-Ras, and H-Ras have distinct biochemical properties determined by allosteric effects
CW Johnson, D Reid, JA Parker, S Salter, R Knihtila, P Kuzmic, C Mattos
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (31), 12981-12993, 2017
A broad spectrum Kunitz type serine protease inhibitor secreted by the hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum
AM Milstone, LM Harrison, RD Bungiro, P Kuzmic, M Cappello
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (38), 29391-29399, 2000
Self‐assembled small‐molecule microarrays for protease screening and profiling
HD Urbina, F Debaene, B Jost, C Bole‐Feysot, DE Mason, P Kuzmic, ...
ChemBioChem 7 (11), 1790-1797, 2006
CYP2E1 substrate inhibition: Mechanistic interpretation through an effector site for monocyclic compounds
SL Collom, RM Laddusaw, AM Burch, P Kuzmic, MD Perry, GP Miller
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (6), 3487-3496, 2008
High-throughput screening of enzyme inhibitors: automatic determination of tight-binding inhibition constants
P Kuzmič, S Sideris, LM Cregar, KC Elrod, KD Rice, JW Janc
Analytical biochemistry 281 (1), 62-67, 2000
A sequential mechanism for clathrin cage disassembly by 70-kDa heat-shock cognate protein (Hsc70) and auxilin
A Rothnie, AR Clarke, P Kuzmic, A Cameron, CJ Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (17), 6927-6932, 2011
Complexation between Methyl Viologen (Paraquat) Bis (Hexafluorophosphate) and Dibenzo [24] Crown‐8 Revisited
TB Gasa, JM Spruell, WR Dichtel, TJ Sørensen, D Philp, JF Stoddart, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 15 (1), 106-116, 2009
Molecular Characterization of Ancylostoma ceylanicum Kunitz-Type Serine Protease Inhibitor: Evidence for a Role in Hookworm-Associated Growth Delay
D Chu, RD Bungiro, M Ibanez, LM Harrison, E Campodonico, BF Jones, ...
Infection and immunity 72 (4), 2214-2221, 2004
High-throughput screening of enzyme inhibitors: simultaneous determination of tight-binding inhibition constants and enzyme concentration
P Kuzmič, KC Elrod, LM Cregar, S Sideris, R Rai, JW Janc
Analytical biochemistry 286 (1), 45-50, 2000
Molecular characterization of ancylostoma inhibitors of coagulation factor Xa: Hookworm anticoagulant activity in vitro predicts parasite bloodfeeding in vivo
LM Harrison, A Nerlinger, RD Bungiro, JL Córdova, P Kuzmic, M Cappello
Journal of biological chemistry 277 (8), 6223-6229, 2002
Continuous fluorimetric direct (uncoupled) assay for peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerases
C Garcia-Echeverria, JL Kofron, P Kuzmic, V Kishore, DH Rich
Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (7), 2758-2759, 1992
Specific inhibition of tissue kallikrein 1 with a human monoclonal antibody reveals a potential role in airway diseases
DJ Sexton, T Chen, D Martik, P Kuzmic, G Kuang, J Chen, AE Nixon, ...
Biochemical Journal 422 (2), 383-392, 2009
Inhibition of human steroid 5α reductases type I and II by 6-aza-steroids: Structural determinants of one-step vs two-step mechanism
ML Moss, P Kuzmic, JD Stuart, G Tian, AG Peranteau, SV Frye, ...
Biochemistry 35 (11), 3457-3464, 1996
Mixtures of tight-binding enzyme inhibitors. Kinetic analysis by a recursive rate equation
P Kuzmič, KY Ng, TD Heath
Analytical biochemistry 200 (1), 68-73, 1992
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